A L O H A!
Welcome to Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor
at the Edge of Waikiki
"Hug the shore; let others try the deep."
“I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils.”
William Wordsworth
“To behold the wandering moon,
Riding near her highest noon,
Like one that had been led astray
Through the heav'n's wide pathless way;
And oft, as if her head she bowed,
Stooping through a fleecy cloud.”
John Milton

“Quickly, bring me a beaker of wine,
so that I may wet my mind and say something clever.”
Boats and booze go together.
Or maybe I drink to forget.
Yesterday was my
On September 8, 1992
I moved all my stuff,
even Previous Kitty,
onto this boat.
3 days later
Hurricane Iniki
took dead aim at Waikiki.
I was too tired to move,
so we rode it out
shrieking winds, lashing surf
and all.
Capricious Iniki headed for hapless Kauai instead.
I drove my taxi from this harbor,
finished college,
got my first professional job
(and left it);
I wrote a novel at this drop-down desk,
and produce
Comfort Spiral
from here on board every day.
To read how it all began:
Some people do not have homes at all,
but I have a deck overhead.
Bonus Points:
For years I have driven past Mekaleka Street,
and Ekela Street without knowing what those names meant.
Well now I know!
Mekaleka = Margaret
Ekela = Ethel.
The familiar is always ready to serve up unseen treasures.
YOUR photos and blogs prove that to me everyday!
Your launch is here to take you back to the shore.
All ashore that's going ashore.
But please come back tomorrow,
to ride here at anchor
and sing a song together.
A L O H A! Cloudia
Milton and Wordsworth were a BIG part of my childhood, Cloudia ...
One day after the ship was deterred from a Caribbean run the Cap'n stopped the Fox (DD829) in the mid-Atlantic far from the shore and told us all to walk the plank for a swim in the deep waters. 6000 feet of water below me and 10 times that of warm blue sky above me. On that day I didn't care if I ever saw the shore again.
Happy happy boataversary Cloudia, you lucky duck!
But which Wordsworth? Glad you are not afraid to post it, though. Fine post. Thanks.
wow, beautiful Hawaii..
Happy Boat-versary!
I wonder how that 'trash' wine tastes ...
You still have your Heff !
I'd like to wet my mind with the Cloud girl :)
Oh my! You've had the royal visit! King David of McMahon has been before us...
:))) xoxo
In vino veritas.
It's good to have a deck overhead. Or a roof. Nice to have a place to sleep.
You have such a way of expressing even the most ordinary (as well as extra-ordinary) things. Loved this! And congrats on the boat-versary.
Living aboard can be trying at times space wise that is. It's a wonderful feeling though to hear the water slapping the boat. Best sleeping ever.
Have a terrific day. :)
indeed! this post too is so evocative like all your other posts, making it a pleasurable experience to visit your deck!
namaste /\
Do enjoy my daily visit to your blog Cloudia.
I'm mystified with the choice of the Hawaiian name for "trash" for a bottle of wine, so very inappropriate. 17 years onboard! Amazing. Life is meant to be an adventure and you are treating it as such, Happy boataversay, Dear Girl,
Happy Boataversary! We will eat cake at Necky Knoll House to celebrate! (Keep a look out for Captain Gurgle - he may bring you some in the sub!)
Happy Boataversary, Cloudia. Since everything you touch seems to become wine, I guess I'll have to give you a virtual clock (the traditional Hakka gift for housewarmings...) Maybe if I get to Hawaii, I'll bring you a real chronometer :)
Would like to wish you always two hands full of water beneath your keel.
Happy anniversary. Wordsworth and Hawaii make a great combination.
I love all you do, how, and where.
I love you guys!
So many cool comments today:
How did I miss this post? Your first photo is super. Happy Boat-aversary. (I'd sing the boat-aversary song to you but I have a frog in my throat. Okay, that's a lie-- I just can't sing.) Aloha.
WOW your very own wine bottles. Enjoy your special wine out in that lovely Hawaiian sun
Opala wine? Oh dear! I wonder how they sell.
Happy Boat-versary!
I'd like to try those wines!
Happy Boat-aversary! Sorry I missed it! :)
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