Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Stars Come and Go

Aloha, Friends!
Welcome to Tuesday

Click on photos to REALLY see them
"Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits
are objects of scorn to smart Americans
who blow horns to break up traffic jams."
Mary Ellen Kelly

Your Dream is Calling!

"Normal is not something to aspire to,
it's something to get away from."
Jodie Foster

The Black Pearl, Johnny Depp's pirate ship, has been spotted in Oahu waters!

"Happiness is an Open mind.
Beware of your stereotypes and prejudices,
they can trap you in a box and make you miss what life has to offer you."

Med Yones


There is a special pride that comes with living on a small island in the middle of the world's biggest ocean.

We are proud to be indigenous people of this land,
this `Aina.

And/or we are proud to be born here,
like my niece.

Some of us are proud that we braved more than
oceans to make a new life here.

We are proud of our Ohana
who are born and raised here
when they do great things
in the world out there,
like Dwayne Johnson,
"The Rock"
and our president Obama
who was born, grew up,
and went to school
a couple of miles from here;
He walked the same streets
that I do.
He understands things
that only we island people
Like: we need to live together,
there is no place far away
for us to go
and get away from each other.

For six seasons
has been "our" show.
Filmed down the block,
by Hubby's workplace,
using our locations
as The Island, as LA,
as Australia.

It's been fun to see them
my harbor,
or our corner pub.
And then to see them on

Seeing Hurley
(Jorge Garcia)
at Whole Foods was fun.
We always act cool,
we ARE Island cool.
Lots of stars
can walk around here
and be left alone,
not just Ann Margaret
who is here all the time.
(No one even recognizes her anymore
though we all love her work.
Don't you?)

The LOST actors
have become
part of the local scene.

Well now LOST will be leaving,
but one cast member may remain.

With our growing Korean
(Koreans first came to Hawaii over 100
years ago, and are an important part of
our "Local" culture.
To learn more,
read Alan Brennert's excellent

Many Korean people continue to immigrate here,
and Korean Soap Operas are HUGE on local TV;
Not to mention all our wonderful Korean restaurants, great and tiny!

And yes,
I do like Kim Chee!

So we are all thrilled
that popular Daniel Dae Kim
(who is partners in a restaurant here)
has been tapped to play
Chin Ho Kelly
(Originated by Kam Fong Chun)
on the new
Hawaii Five-0 pilot!

What's next,
Magnum P.I?

Actually, no.
Next up is the immensely successful
Pirates of the Caribbean
film franchise starring
Johnny Depp!
(Be still my heart).

Keep those film projects coming:

Book`em Danno!

ALOHA from Hollywood West,


foongpc said...

Wow! Am I first here today?

foongpc said...

Yay! I'm first!!! haha. Like that Jodie Foster's quote! Don't be normal or average. Be extraordinary!

Agree happiness is an open mind!

I watched Lost 1st season, - love it! Unfortunately, did not follow through with the rest of the seasons! : )

It's the Korean wave now! And I'm just starting to like Korean food! : )

Lisa said...

I love visiting movie sites. I don't know why, just so I could say I was there.

I like your comment about how Obama knows about being close as island people.

Enjoyed your post my friend. Kim chee, I don't like.

Unknown said...


Always nice blog.

SandyCarlson said...

I enjoyed this post and learning more about who and what comes from your paradise.

It's all big--and not so big. Mr. Obama knows.

Kavita Saharia said...

Your post make me want to visit your paradise right now...a very proud history your homeland has.Aloha Cloudia.

Friko said...

pictures and words thought-provoking, as always.


the walking man said...

I like being normal. It was a high bar to reach and a better one to hula in a sarong on while braced by the narrow definition of normal. The only thing about normal that I don't understand yet is why doesn't anyone but me recognize what is normal?

Couture Carrie said...

That first pic is fantastic!


Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

that is a beautiful ship.
book em danno! it's been awhile since i've heard that =)

LifeRamblings said...

great inspiring thoughts.

BLOGitse said...

The word AINA means 'always' in Finnish! :)

Aloha from Cairo!


Junosmom said...

My son thanks you for finding the photo of Capt. Jack's boat.

claude said...

Beautiful ship.
I liked to read your post, Cloudia.
I feel your love your country.
I began to watch the first season only but I know Ann Margret and I saw some ot movies which she played in.

claude said...

Ups !
A L O H A !

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

S'mae from Wales, a long way from your island. I liked the bit about Obama. You learn things from living somewhere smaller.

David Cranmer said...

Oh, I'd love to take a ride on the Pearl. Cool.

laughingwolf said...

come getcher award...

Anonymous said...

Besides "Pirates," another movie will begin shooting in mid-March: "The Descendants," a novel written by State Senator Fred Hemmings' daughter.

Looking forward to seeing both movies!

Anonymous said...

Woah Cloudia -- I only need one of the hotel units, not the entire structure! I didn't know Hawai'i "made" a Golden Retriever/golden cocker spaniel mix of a doggie. Looks really fluffy! DrumMajor

Maude Lynn said...

I would so be stalking Johnny Depp!

sealaura said...

that first one is my fave what a happy pup and a lovely car.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE the Jodie Foster quote! Hahaha!

Be forewarned: I'm stealing it to use someday on my blog. :)

Teresa said...

Great post! My favorite line: "Book 'em Danno!" I used to watch Hawaii Five-o with my favorite Grandpa, and I love the pun in the way you used the line!

Fireblossom said...

I'm lost. (cos I've never watched "Lost"!)

Cloudia said...

Glad you "found" your way here :)

Anonymous said...

It is for sure only a gain to be living there. Makes one glad to read about your happiness.
Please have a Wednesday just alike.

Jo said...

"Normal is not something to aspire to, it's something to get away from."

I LOVE it...!

And I love Hawaii. You are so lucky to get up every morning and smell that wonderful Hawaiian air.


Cloudia said...

Thanks, you 2 special friends!

magiceye said...

beautiful images and thoughtful quotes

namaste /\

Glennis said...

I like the big golden dog hanging out the window of the car.

Cloudy said...

Oh, that's greatful, I like the ship of pirates from Captain Spirrow, and now I knew where it was landing. At the coast from Hawai, it's great!
Servus and have a nice day

Reader Wil said...

A great tribute to your beautiful island! And to its great inhabitants! Aloha, Cloudia!

Cloudia said...

Thanks - Jolly!