A L O H A !
Pokai Bay, Oahu |
" My favourite thing
is to go
where I've never been. "
Diane Arbus
Has it really been a DECADE since I've walked in New York?!
" There is nothing
like returning to a place
that remains unchanged
to find the ways
in which you yourself
have altered. "
Nelson Mandela
"Santa? Hello?"
"A house without either a cat
or a dog
is the house of a scoundrel."
Portuguese Proverb
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What do you mean dog OR Cat?! |
" A cat is more intelligent
than people believe,
and can be taught
any crime. "
Mark Twain
Kate Middleton
is turning
I'd like to
feel & look
would I actually go back
to that age?
What is that they say?
" If I knew then
what I know
There is also an old
Pennsylvania Dutch saying,
“ Too soon old,
too late smart. ”
Just between us;
it is certainly true
of me.
of me.
George Bernard Shaw said
" Youth is wasted
on the young."
But I don't think that's true.
Youth has it's joys, tasks &
We mature people
have very different
So no,
I would not like to forget
the little wisdom
that I have acquired;
Nor the people
and experiences
that I have enjoyed
and endured
and endured
since age
Elizabeth Taylor said:
" It is strange
that the years teach us patience;
that the years teach us patience;
that the shorter our time,
the greater our capacity for waiting. "
It takes courage to realize
that our time here,
(our loved ones' too)
has an expiration date.
If you could begin
but had to leave the life
you know
you know
and built
would you
Thank YOU for visiting!
Warmly, cloudia
Good photo's Cloudia
have a nice Tuesday
Greetings, Joop
Arbus and Middleton... what a combo today!
Your last question's a real poser!! Maybe it depends whether or not you believe in reincarnation? If you do, then that is what each new life would be. If you don't, then making the most of this life is all you've got!!
Thanx for the enigma, and have a great day!!
I love the photo of your cat in the mirror. And the unexpectedness of the New York photo.
I wish I could go back and change the things that made everything different. Kind of like in the movie Sliding Doors. (Watch that if you haven't seen it - it's great.)
Leaving behind something you know and strived hard to attain is scary. But, it would be good too if I have the lessons I learnt from my experiences. So, yes I definitely would!!
It's a process, and we have so little control over the big picture. Don't you think every age has some advantages?
Nice post.
I wouldn't want to begin again. I am happy the way things are going and may be I want to the time to stand still now.
Worrying about age?
Please don't...You are Perfect!
I'm not sure if I'm as happy as Mitzi Robbins about not being young anymore Cloudia haha! I love all the pictures, the B&W rainy New York street is fabulous.
" My favourite thing is to go where I've never been. "
Mine too!
I love the puddled cobblestone street perspective and of course kitty through the porthole and the reindog.
The video was a hoot.
" A cat is more intelligent
than people believe,
and can be taught
any crime. "
Mark Twain
Amen, Spock the Cat here at my house likes to push anything it can move off tables.
Love the cat, the dog, the skies, the palm and the cobblestones. All of the photos and all of the quotes. Since I share my life with two (far too smart) cats I do understand where Mark Twain is coming from.
I certainly wouldn't be a teenager again. Perhaps late twneties, early thirties. On balance now is fine.
Since we are working at building in Belize - sort of. We won't be staying there forever - my husband requires better medical attention than is available there. But it is a very different culture we will be trying to fit in with. We aren't so interested in the other North Americans there other than to say hello.
Interesting take on time. I wish I could go back and do it again - I wish I could go back and redo last week! I have wasted far too much time - not doing what I really wanted with it nor what might be useful for others. Truly wasted. No explanation for it.
love the NYC shot ...
Good photos today, i like the street shot !
Yeah, I don't really want to be younger and lose the experiences I've had, but I'd sure like to feel younger and more energetic.
Yes, hallo!!
The cat is coming..
A special photograph!!!
Have a nice day, Cloudia....
I wouldn't change my life. All is perfect, right? At my ripe age, I still think I have much wisdom to acquire, so no, I wouldn't go back if I could.
Cloudia - that cat's expression is priceless! :)
I wouldn't want to leave my life to start a new one...I love my life and where's its taken me and I want to stick around and see it through to the end because I'm always curious to see what will happen next! :)
I love that low-angle wet pavement shot.
No regrets on travel or things done or people with. Intentions to do more w/ all -- hopes & faith.
More Manhattan. More Madrid. Cuba. Less urban sprawl~!
Is that a deer or a dog. He looks very calm and friendly.
Sista-- I think my mistakes have made me who I am more than my successes. So I'll just play out the hand I have and GO ALL IN!
Waitin' on the River card!
You are a jewel!
LOVE the Cat pic!!! Great cat-tion!!!
Nice post,, Cloudia. As to the question that you ask....no, I would not want to go back. It was too hard to get here :)
A house without an animals is empty, they bring such love.
I saw a tall lone palm tree yesterday and thought of you as I drove along, saying aloha Cloudia as I past.
Inspiring words as always ♥
°º♫ Olá, amiga!
°º✿ As fotos estão muito bonitas.
º° ✿♥ ♫° ·. Sabe, nossos entes queridos não deveriam ter prazo de expiração...
º° ✿
If i knew then what i know now i'd live my life very differently. I'm glad i'm not young anymore too the lyrics to the song say it all :-).
Once you've built a life and a family, nothing could replace the richness you've acquired.
Guess I would not. As it changed towards what it is now when I was 30, which I barely can remember.
Thank you for pointing out the good of the Now. Please have a good Wednesday.
Absolutely especially if I had memory of this life here, not the bad or the good but just the memory. There is only one new excitement left me now and that is walking a road that has not been walked before. Each of us journey our own road, blaze our own trail through virgin territory. Isn't that where we find the fullest thrills from, being in anew uncharted seas?
Oh I wish I'd had time to see this before I left this morning....great words of wisdom...we're as young as we feel and sometines as old too! Your kitty is so cute, and just like a cat always worried about a dog ruling! In our house it's too often cats rule and dogs drool...until one of the dogs have had enough! Love the cobblestone too, and my first thought was this is where Cloudia lives??? Have a great evening!
*These comments of Yours BLOW
me away!*************************
What an honor for us to know each other, all over the globe, like
THIS! You have lifted me up, and I am so grateful that we have met, and shared.
"Love is touching souls."
Joni Mitchell
Aloha Cloudia ! You knew I had to come back to see your lovely photos and your always thought-provoking quotes and anecdotes (now that I can actually access blogs again ;-)
Enjoyed many of your recent posts. It's good to be back !
Aloha !
Oh no... never! I would never give up those I love and have cherished to be 30 again. I have such wonderful memories. I know you feel the same way.
I would not want to go back when I was 30 because I lived a very bad story in my first life.
Seven year later, yes, to live a wonderful love story again when I met my Chéri.
Aloha, Cloudia !
Your second image is a real humdinger. It was worth coming for that alone. I shall have another look before I go. Thank you.
the coble-stone nyc street photo is really remarkable!
thanks for this thought-provoking post, cloudia, and the beautiful photos!
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