A L O H A !
"Our greatest strength lies
in the gentleness and
tenderness of our Heart.”
"Be with those who
help your being."
"You only live once,
but if you do it right,
once is enough."
Mae West
Once upon a time
in your life,
certain behaviors
[let's call them 'symptoms']
presented themselves to you.
Would you like to respond
with Anger in this situation?
Do you choose fear,
or despair?
And we gave them permission,
invited them in. We tried them on.
And they became 'our' way.
I've been noticing:
'Here's where fear begins'
and watching how
that moment Before
Anger [or saying something
dumb] presents a choice
- everytime - to
which we long ago
gave permission:
'Yes, I'll get angry!'
'Yes I'll say that
marginal thing.'
It became a habit
that some call
But what if we
revoke those permission?
What could come of that?!
When I find I'm irritated,
or about to make some
flippant remark I'll regret.
I tell myself:
"I revoke those permissions."
Just like on your mobile device:
Those apps are deactivated.
Your permission
has been revoked.
And you know what?
It's working!
I revoked those permissions.
And do not click "Accept"
when they present themselves.
Who KNOWS what could
come of THIS!
Bumpy Bump Bump
Down the funny trail. . . .
Thank YOU
Fondly, cloudia