Friday, May 3, 2024

Happiness Springs

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Happiness springs up of itself
in a united family.
Nora Waln

Red Bougainvillea

To see a world in a grain of sand And a heaven in a wildflower: Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity
in an hour. William Blake

Red Bougainvillea
Happiness is having a large,
loving, caring, close-knit
family in another city.
George Burns

Surprising peek!

Tiny head with fur so sleek.

Yorkie queen in purse

She rides 

Surveys the world with

Regal pride.

She's not a pet

But furred elite,

Captain, oh

my captain sweet 

Steers the course with cunning art,

Melting hearts

with one soft bark.


Rise above the clouds, See the world from a higher perspective. Feel the wind and the sun on your face. -

- Be free, my soul, Soaring high There is nothing To fear Just believe in yourself. Cloudia Charters 

Love You,
     Cloudia & Pixie

Look! Cousin Brad is a model on TV!


Elephant's Child said...

That sunset shot is sublime.

Teresa said...

I love the shots of the Yorkie and of Pixie and of your cousin. Great words today.

Katerinas Blog said...

You have nothing to fear, just believe in yourself!
I loved it.
Have a nice day Cloudia🌼!

Cloudia said...

Appreciate each of you 🙏🏽

Fun60 said...

Wonderful capture of the Yorkie and accompanying poem. Great words from William Blake as well.

Paspii said...

The f1rst one is nice street candid. All though the little one might be posing for you. Maybe not the best way to travel in baby carriage. Her mom seems to be more concern of her mobile though.

Love the cutie pie furball too. You don´t see that kinda dog walking everyday.

Tom said...

...adventurous little girl.

s.c said...

Nice photo's and quotes again. I love them all.

William Kendall said...

That Yorkie is a cutie pie.

magiceye said...

Marvelous street captures!

Sharon Wagner said...

The George Burns quote is how I've always felt about family gatherings. But now that my family is gone, I'd do anything to have them back.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

We know that little Yorkie is large and in charge in its own mind. :) Give Pixie a hug for me, Cloudia.
Blessings, always!

Cloudia said...

Thanks jolly Friends!

Cloudia said...


Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful close-up of the Bougainvillea. Enjoy your weekend!

RedPat said...

Pixie knows that she is the true queen so she will share with the wee dog, Cloudia. ;-)

Annie said...

Lovely words.
Annie x

eileeninmd said...

Another wonderful post and quotes.
The flowers and bougainvillea is beautiful.
I almost missed that cute doggie head.
Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

James said...

I enjoyed seeing all your photos! Thanks for making me smile. :-)

Anvilcloud said...

I had thought that the Yorkie was just part of the design. 😊

Thomas Lee/Lee Lip Pang said...

nice sunset captured

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Beautiful post!!