Friday, June 28, 2024

Better By Far

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Better by far you should forget
and smile than that you should
remember and be sad.
     Christina Rossetti

I love those who can
smile in trouble.
Leonardo da Vinci

Instead of wondering
when your next vacation is,
maybe you ought to set up a life
you don't need to escape from.
Seth Godin

A face without a smile
is like a flower
not yet blooming!

Anyone can smile
on their best day.
I like to meet a man who
can smile on his worst.
Lauren Graham *

Smile, and let the
world wonder why.
Minnie Mouse 

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

All the statistics
in the world
can’t measure the
warmth of a smile.
    Chris Hart

She says "man" because
most women ROUTINELY do this!


Shiju Sugunan said...

Sometimes a smile is hard to muster, but maybe that's when it's needed most. Love the pictures! The first one with the stunning sky is breathtaking, and Pixie looks adorable in the portrait!

Shiju Sugunan said...

Elephant's Child said...

Love all of those smiles. And have one of my own as a result.

Teresa said...

Thanks for making me smile! Pixie is smiling with all the love!!

Mike said...


William Kendall said...

Pixie is such a sweetheart.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful post and photos.
I love all the smile quotes.
Take care, have a happy day and a great weekend!

roentare said...

A man who smiles on his worst day may be a sociopath!

Anvilcloud said...

I hope you have many reasons to smile today and all weekend too.

Tom said...

...even the tiniest things have a shadow.

RedPat said...

Lots of smiles today, Cloudia. ;-)

Kathy G said...

I like all of these thoughts, but today YOURS was the most impactful :-)

Martha Jane Orlando said...

The photos and quotes certainly put a smile on my face today, Cloudia.

Bill said...

Smiles liven up everyone's day. :)

Bill said...

Smiles liven up everyone's day.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Thanks, Cloudia. I needed a smile this morning.

James said...

Your blog always makes me smile 😊

Jenn Jilks said...

Your flowers!!! Wow. I did smile.

Cloudia said...

Thanks Dears!

Photo Cache said...

Thank you for always including Pixie. It makes my day.

Worth a Thousand Words

Barbara Rogers said...

Pixie is enjoying her attention just the way she has trained you to give it. Smiles need to be genuine, not pasted upon ones face in order to "look happy" when perhaps not really feeling so. At least that is my humble opinion.

Michelle said...

Smiling on your worst day is a real skill!!

Cloudia said...

Thanks friends. And your point is well taken Barbara. Thank you for sharing. Aloha