Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hang in There

"No written law has ever been more binding than unwritten custom supported by popular opinion."
- Carrie Chapman Catt

"No one has a finer command of the language than the person who keeps his mouth shut." - Sam "Mr. Sam" Rayburn

"Insane people are always sure that they are fine. It is only the sane people who are willing to admit that they are crazy."- Nora Ephron
"This crisis can be the greatest time of your life if you learn how to use it."
- Tony Robbins

Patience is the most powerful thing in the world. Just ask water that has been falling on stone for a while.
A L O H A! Cloudia


the walking man said...

Patience; the ability to abide time comfortably.

Sepiru Chris said...

Although each particular droplet might have a different perspective than the water as a whole...

RiverPoet said...

Thanks, Cloudia. I really needed this one today.

Take care, my friend - D

Charles Gramlich said...

I wish I could take that "keeping your mouth shut" advice more often

Akelamalu said...

I am not a patient person. Patience is a virtue I have yet to learn.

Barbara Martin said...

I have no trouble with patience.

Feisty Crone said...

I always feel so calm after stopping by your blog. Thanks!

Cloudia said...

Walking Man- thank you for weighing in.

Chris: You always bring a unique perspective.

RiverPoet: Don't ever give up!

Charles- those in your life would no doubt be poorer. Keep speaking your truth; much appreciated.

Ake: We'll work on it together, OK?

Barbara: Your carefully crafted blog posts show your patient craftsmanship.

Gran: thank YOU! I appreciate your kind words, friend.
Aloha, All!!

magiceye said...

loved the last quote and the 1st pic!

namaste from india

Junosmom said...

Patience is sitting and watching a man breathe in and out. Aloha.