Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wong Ho Lane

Aloha Greetings! E Komo Mai, Come in!Waianae Valley, Oahu
"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."
-Hans Christian Anderson

(Click on photos to enlarge!"

Farrington Highway, Makaha Bound
To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else."
Emily Dickinson

NOT Bruddah Israel Kamakawio`ole

Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can."

Danny Kaye

Just a few idle Saturday thoughts today. . .

There are few things as innocently pleasant as a brief, no consequences conversation with a stranger in public.

To make the world "POP," to make the air sweeter, the skies bluer, just spend an hour visiting in a hospital room.

"What can I do?"

I can really believe in the value of every person I see, or interact with today. I can treat each one with consideration, even a small thing like slowing to let someone go first. When I feel Aloha for this person before me, they feel it without words. Today I can spread peace, warmth, and understanding.

Just for today

I can do something.

A L O H A! Cloudia


claude said...

I love my daily vacation in Hawaï.
I completely agree with the first quote.
ALOHA, Cloudia !

Reader Wil said...

The quotations match the photos perfectly! As alaways! Have a great weekend!

gigi-hawaii said...

That wasn't braddah Iz? Sure looks like him.

the walking man said...

It is the "within" that allows for no one to be a stranger with out. shine on in your conversations of the Cloudia.

Anonymous said...

Great post. That first pic is incredible.

Dina said...

Lucky are those anywhere near you.

Brother Tobias said...

When I bought my first car I used to take off without plans, camping out wherever it took me. And you're right; the most trivial conversations with strangers - those courtesy exchanges about the weather or whatever (well, this is Britain) became quite important.

Anonymous said...

Freedom was there when god created universe but then we created boundaries.

DT ~ RDH said...

ahhhh, I love your pics extra today! Just let me lie down in the valley under that sky all day long. sigh.

HINODE rice!!! mmmmm! Just had some with egg and japanese pickles and a strip of bacon moments ago. happy weekend Cloudia!

Feisty Crone said...

Thanks for the reminder to treat all persons well. I will practice this as I go out today. Aloha, Cloudia!

Kay said...

Beautiful post, Cloudia. I love all your photos. That fellow is on his way to becoming as big as Israel which is not exactly the best thing.

Deborah Godin said...

Yes, I love those brief random moments of conversation with strangers, esepcially the silly, funny exchanges!

Jenn Jilks said...

Good to see some great quotes!

Charles Gramlich said...

One tihng that makes life pop is thinking your day is shot with responsibilities and then having those responsibilities removed.

The Grandpa said...

Those conversations with a stranger that have no meaning beyond that moment remind me always of just how connected we all are.

Aloha, Cloudia.

Cloudia said...

Bonjour Claude!

Reader Wil, Gigi, Walking Man, Tricia, Dina (So Sweet!),
Brother T,

Hobo, DeeTree, Gran, Kay, Deborah, Jenn, Charles, Grandpa:

Thanks to EACH of you for your unique points of view, and for your dear aloha in stoping by!
