ALOHA, Sunday Friend!
click on photos if you like, eh?
known for shipping, industry, and marinas.
"Creation, we are taught is not an act that happened once upon a time,
once and for ever. The act of bringing the world into existence is a continuous process.”
Abraham Joshua Heschel
once and for ever. The act of bringing the world into existence is a continuous process.”
Abraham Joshua Heschel
It is like making a trip back to the tiki bars of the 50's.
While we ate, my friend told me about a time
when he was wandering about on the Big Island, Hawaii.
He came upon a cave full of very old Tikis.
What were they doing there,
these family heirlooms passed down
over generations?
The missionaries
told the people to
these "infernal, pagan images."
the extra-terrestrials landing among us.
Their technology is clearly far ahead of ours.
They tell us that our beliefs are primitive;
Then they tell us to burn
our churches, synagogues, mosques & temples.
Unable to part with the spiritual treasures
that our parents and grandparents valued,
we might bury the Torahs, Bibles, statues, & symbols.
And that's what happened
to the Hawaiian people.
Sleep well, gods!
ALOHA Friend, cloudia
Aloha. Just caught your comment on Weaver this evening. Her home area is very familiar to me but here am I on Kauai and you on Oahu, writing to England. Such is the magic of computers. But we are only here on vacation. We love it so much we have come back every year for about five or six years now. Sadly we leave on Tuesday, but expect to be back next year. Mahalo for sharing your islands with us.
I am of a mind that says if the Gods be alive then there is no killing of them. And that if them who land among us wish to destroy the true temples of mankind, I would hope that at the least they would allow the people to leave the malls, bars, and casino's before they destroy them.
....And still today, the religious right would rather tell others how to be, than share the world with difference.
Hands off my relics! ;-)
Lovely to find Chris J has come to your blog via mine - and that she is on your island too - conmputers and blogs are amazing things aren;t they Cloudia.
nice photos..
I think it important to tell the history of the people. Well done, Cloudia. So much was done in the name of colonization. Cultures destroyed, people's lives changed. Good for you for speaking it.
Great story, Cloudia. Thanks for sharing pictures of the beautiful tikis.
Lovely photos today Cloudia, thankyou for sharing them. :)
"The missionaries
told the people to
these "infernal, pagan images."
Sigh. Thinking one people's beliefs are inferior to another's is at the root of war and destruction and vengeance.
But on a more positive note, I've dedicated a song to you - sort of. It reminded me of Hawaii and therefore of you! Aloha and Peace!
So cool! I can see why people want to construct such things in their basements. *L*
glad I found this blog. aloha
i love tikis.
Very cool.. love those shots. :)
When I was in Mexico City I went on a tour of a museum and they showed us how the native people would carve the Catholic angels and whatever the priests made them carve, but tucked inside were secret compartments filled with representations of their gods and goddesses. Ha! Take that you bossy Spaniards!
What the heck is that VW bug doing on top of that container? It looks so funny up there.
Only glad that I'm able to light a candle regardless of the religion which calls me her own.
There was a day when a person put my candle out, as I answered that I believe that there is only one faith which unites us all.
Glad to know this site.
A wonderful start into the new week for you.
I did a double-take when I saw the VW on the dumpster! Ha!!!
Hope you have a great week.
Would love to sit in the piano bar amongst the tikis...better than sitting in the volkswagan, eh?
Terrific post, Cloudia. You've captured so much with your words.
Wonderful, those final three photographs. Could easily be used as a prompt.
That's a good parking spot that Bug found
vw- hah!
Love all those photos, did a lot of clicking! And, I must observe, Hawaiian lingo is a lot like Canadian, eh?
great place. am buying an airline ticket!
Thank you for your dear visits!
Oi, a chilling thought.
Thanks for the Heschel. A man who changed my life.
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