It's Monday -
But That's OK :)
Click on the photos
It's Monday -
But That's OK :)
Click on the photos
"Never a ship sails out of the bay
But carries my heart as a stowaway."
~Roselle Mercier Montgomery, The Stowaway
"Although I grew up in very modest and challenging circumstances,
I consider my life to be immeasurably rich."
Sonia Sotomayor
Waikiki means
Spouting Waters
so named
for the fresh water (Wai)
running into the sea (Kai)
at this place,
creating a healing
Below, the fish are enjoying the
brackish convergence!
Bye now :)
Beautiful shots. Very lovely mix.
Aloha Cloudia! Great Monday with your post!!
Sorry for the absence, but my computer broke down and I’ll be waiting a month for it to be fixed… ;-( Anyhow, I left you a post on the suburbs of Ephesus for you to enjoy. Have a great week!!
Good morning Cloudia, lovely Monday post. Aloha!
I'm in catch-up mode. Lovely photos as always and tilapia is one of my favourite fish.
I do enjoy the taste of tilapia. but they are more lovely alive.
Aloha, Cloudia. Loved the clip of the fish.
Very cool. This morning's post is like a virtual koi pond! (tilapia pond?)
Oh, I love that ginger!
A nice post today. Like the fish too.
Your Monday is better than mine!
Washing machine is broken, dogs barking all day long....
But maybe Tuesday will be better! :)
Aloha from Casa!
Did you know tilapia can be bred/raised in a bath tub? Yup. And apparently they are ... as well as having become THE inexpensive fish on the menu
"Boys and their Toys" begs for a companion picture such as "Girls and their passions".
Love everything you present us, always surprising, always inspirational.
Aloha, Clodia!
I remembered the old days which making pure water at labratuar of college.
Happy week!
Those fish were in School! They all left when the bell rang!
*thinks, now, that Daryl's tub is full of fish*
We're more similiar to fish than we think. I think.
Lovely, magical reflections in that first photo! A delightful collection of interesting views!
Love your pics as always!
Love the pics and video Cloudia :)
Great shots!
Best wishes from old Germany!
Servus says
Excellent pictures...
I stopped by to say thanks for your visit and for taking the time to comment on the Dandelion Seed heads... Hope to you again
Aloha, Tom :)
Got to agree with the first quote (and the rest).
Love the pictures.
So Kai means sea?! That's my CA grandson's name.
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