Monday, October 15, 2012

Feline Follies 1919



 'Take Peace & Laughs - Leave Your Comment'
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Teresa said...

Lots of laughs from this one!!

21 Wits said...

So sweet- my heart still belongs to Felix! My youngest named his first cat Felix too! Sleep well- sweet dreams, Karen

Full-On-Forward said...
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Full-On-Forward said...

That was hilarious--I wish we had butts that were that expressive!!!

Thanks for an early am US mainland laff!


Sergio DS said...


Bob Bushell said...

That's funny and sad.

Betty Manousos said...

great, hilarious video!
thanks for the laughs!

a big aloha and a great week ahead!


Elephant's Child said...

Folly? Feline? No, no, no. We are such dignified animals. (Except when we are not). Loud smiles.

TexWisGirl said...

too cute! such a blast from the past.

Anonymous said...

Oh must have been decades since last seen. Thank you.

Cloudia said...

thanks for coming over to my house and watching cartoons on the floor with me!

Anonymous said...

That brought back memories of similar cartoons of the same time period with the farmer fighting off the mice. Nice.