Monday, September 1, 2014

Mural Mundane

A  L  O  H  A !
Bac Nam restaurant here in Honolulu.
This mural is kinda hard to see. 
The sidewalk is too narrow. 
From across the street, trees obscure.
Click to see the whole pic

Click to see the best view I could get. 
Seems to be a surreal tropic landscape

Linking to Monday Murals

Thank YOU for visiting
                Warmly, cloudia


Elephant's Child said...

Quirky and fun.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

A charming, eye-pleasing mural.

Teresa said...

Love the mural. You got a great shot!

Adam said...

nice mural

Brian Miller said...

i love finding street art and murals...little windows to other places on our streets...

aloha from the skatepark

Cloudia said...

Aw thanks!

Anonymous said...

Yes, this speaks the Tropics without a doubt. Thanks for visiting my Girl in the Cornfield.

William Kendall said...

Quite a colourful mural!

Merlesworld said...

The murals are uplifting especially on a rainy days.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

The mountain cliffs looks like it's turning into a stegosaurus and there's something with serious teeth lurking in the trees on the left. Not exactly a paradise isle. More like Jurrasic Park. Thanks, Cloudia, for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

Small Kucing said...

am always amazed by the murals. Those who paint them are so talented