Monday, August 11, 2014

Our Kind

A  L  O  H  A !
" Your worst enemy 
cannot harm you
 as much as 
your own 
unguarded thoughts. "

Cedar Waxwing  "Bandit"
“ Kindness
 is never wasted. 
If it has no effect 
on the recipient,
 at least it benefits
 the bestower.” 
                        S. H. Simmons

 "Helicopter Parents "

" Nothing has a stronger influence
 psychologically. . . 
especially on their children, 
than the unlived lives 
of the parents. "
                              Carl Gustav Jung 

 “A person who feels appreciated
 will always do more
 than what is expected.”  

" A kind heart
 is a fountain of gladness,
 making everything 
in its vicinity
 freshen into smiles."
                              Washington Irving

" Kindness is more
 than deeds. 
It is an attitude, 
an expression, 
a look, a touch. 
It is anything 
that lifts another 
person. "


Seems to me
the essence of our
blog life
is Kindness.

What we create
and share
feeds me

Hope YOU
feel the same!

                       Fondly, cloudia


DeniseinVA said...

Marvelous posts such as your feed me daily also. Thank you my friend :)

the walking man said...

I'll say you try mightily to put a plate down in front of me regularly Cloudia, as you know though there are yet places expanding where kindness can get you killed.

Brian Miller said...

oh snap, how true on the unlived lives of the parents....

aloha from va

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Those quotes, and your observation heartens me. May joy be you lot today, Cloudia.

Birdman said...

1st shot-
Be careful. That straw might end up your nose!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

We are our biggest enemy.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Kindness and caring should be fundamental.. would make so much difference in the world oui. j'adore your petit bandit mon ami :)

21 Wits said...

I do! I do! Aloha Cloudia, such a spring of lovely quotes you've gifted us with today! Everyone spot on!

Teresa said...

You have outdone yourself on the quotes today!! They were all wonderful! Of course, you attract kind people to your blog with the honey of your own kindness...

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I love that sky.

Myrna R. said...

Yes. Each day I am fed by the kindness of bloggers. So nice.

Rajesh said...

Wonderful images and quotes.

Cloudia said...

Love each of you! Thanks💜

Elephant's Child said...

So very true. And I must learn to be a better friend to myself.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the colors seem to be much more brilliant in Hawaii. love that header shot....I do love Sam Elliot, just his voice is good for me.

Carol said...

I know you must have your faults but you read like Love Incarnate. Carol

Adam said...

nice quotes

eileeninmd said...

Cloudia, lovely quotes and images..I have met many kind bloggers. Smiles...Wishing you a happy week!

Cloudia said...

HUGS! <3

William Kendall said...

Goethe's quote is quite fitting.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful photos and excellent quotes ~
Lovely place you live ~ I loved Hawaii ~ especially Kona ~ aloha ~ xoxox

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Small Kucing said...

Your worst enemy
cannot harm you
as much as
your own
unguarded thoughts

Totally agree with this. sometimes it is said we are our own greatest enemy

magiceye said...

Marvelous captures all!!

Namaste /\ from Mumbai

A Colorful World said...

We DO feed one another daily! I have made so many friends, and learned so many new things, and have been to so many places I will never really go....all because of blogging! Your photos and inspiring quotes are wonderful. Thank you!

Kay said...

Really excellent quotes here, Cloudia. I confess I'm partial to a lot of the Buddha quotes you post.

I've never seen that Bandit bird here in the islands yet. I'll keep my eyes open.

And yes, kindness is always appreciated.