A L O H A From Honolulu!
the right things
instead of a
bunch of things.
Mike Krieger
Sometimes big problems
are best solved with
lots of small and
creative solutions.
Ricardo Salinas Pliego
Greatness comes by
doing a few small and
smart things each
and every day.
Comes from taking
little steps, consistently.
Comes from a making
a few small chips against
everything in your
professional and personal
life that is ordinary,
so that a day eventually
arrives when all that's
left is The Extraordinary.
Robin S. Sharma
Plato's Bicycle,
Plato's Cave
Great things are done by
a series of small things
brought together.
Vincent Van Gogh
In their eyes shine stars
of wisdom and courage
to guide men to
the heavens.
Jodie Mitchell
Perhaps the most comforting
thing about growing old
gracefully is the increasing
ability not to take things
too seriously. One of
the big differences
between a genuine sage
and a preacher is gaiety.
Henry Miller
It's a small world, but
I wouldn't want to
have to paint it.
Steven Wright