Thursday, May 9, 2024

Our Gentle Motto

A L O H A From Honolulu!
If we want to be happy,
we must learn to treat ourselves

...Not only is this associated with
better mental health but longevity, too.
One 2020 study finding that
self-acceptance decreases mortality
risk by 19 percent.
It's never too late to prioritize
what brings you happiness.
  Stephanie Harrison 

Ulmifolia, yellow alder/elder

A single seed
can turn into a forest.
A single heart
can transform a nation.
Bryan Thao Worra

One beating rhythm
strong and true,
The shared experience
me and you.

A field of wildflowers
free and bright,
This starry dance
on a moonlit night.

These fleeting gifts
don't let them fade,
Embrace the beauty, unafraid.
For in the "now,"
the joy resides,
Our motto: "Enjoy it,"
gently guides.
  Cloudia Charters


Do not grow old,
no matter how
long you live.
  Albert Einstein


Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie



Rain’s Thursday art date

Little Things Thursday

I Like Thursday

Thankful Thursday


Floral Friday

Friday Faceoff

Face OFF!


Katerinas Blog said...

I really liked the post.
It reminds us of the power of responsibility and accountability.
Those that change us individually and our society.
Thank you Claudia!

roentare said...

Show myself compassion!

Elephant's Child said...

Lovely - though I find it much easier to show compassion to others than to myself.

Teresa said...

Pixie is not old; she's just fluffy. I love the moon shots and the sentiments in all the quotes.

William Kendall said...

Pixie wants to jump into a pile of teddies.

Tom said...

...Amen, Bryan Thao Worra!

s.c said...

Fantastic quote from Einstein.

eileeninmd said...

I love all the quotes and your poem. Enjoy the "now".
Beautiful captures of the trees, the flower, cute Pixie and the face off.
Take care, have a great day!

Anvilcloud said...

Good advice by Einstein and puss.

Barbara Rogers said...

Loved seeing Pixie on full alert sitting. And the teddybears, turtles, a pig, cow and whatever the bit thing leaning on the right might be! I do prefer the fuzzy animals myself.

RedPat said...

Einstein knew! Nice post, Cloudia. ;-)

Jenn Jilks said...

You live in a lovely part of the world.
Great poem! I keep meaning to... :-)

Cloudia said...

Thanks Friends!

Lea said...

Beautiful photos! Love the poem!

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Outstanding photos and words to match.
Blessings, Cloudia!

DVArtist said...

Very nice post. I love the photos of the flowers. Ohhh and the teddys for FFO. Thank you for joining in. Have a great weekend.

Christine said...

Gorgeous photos

LA Paylor said...

love to you both

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Excellent advice from Albert Einstein!!

magiceye said...

Beautiful pictures and wise words.

Photo Cache said...

I am going to heed Einstein's directive.

Worth a Thousand Words

Mike said...

I've been accepting me and all my flaws for as long as I can remember.

Jim said...

Great post.

Thomas Lee/Lee Lip Pang said...

nice moonshot

rupam sarma said...

Amazing clicks, Great captured

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

I do believe that Pixie is reflecting on your wonderful thoughts for today. And, OMG, I love your face off. Are these all yours? I do think you follow your own advise to enjoy and respect yourself and life. Another awesome post, Claudia ... don't know how you do it :)

Andrea @ From the Sol

Michelle said...

I had a doctor, also our close family friend, tell me years ago that you have to be good to yourself. Your post rings true to that advice. Thank you for linking up, Cloudia. You and Pixie have a delightful week ahead!

Müge Tekil said...

Your blog radiates positivity and joy of living! Thank you for brightening our day! 😊