Thursday, July 4, 2024

Secret Star

A L O H A From Honolulu!

What if instead of
us vs. them
we saw
"ALL of us
vs. extremism.” 
   Daniel Lubetzky

Be willing to be a beginner
 every single morning.
      Meister Eckhart

Great wisdom is generous; 
petty wisdom is contentious. 

A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor can we. Seneca 

All the world
is made of faith,
and trust,
and pixie dust.
J.M. Barrie

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia


Rain’s Thursday art date

Little Things Thursday

I Like Thursday

Thankful Thursday


Floral Friday

Friday Faceoff

Other people have secret sorrows. Private worries that cloud their tomorrows. You don't need to know what they are.
Just shine on them with your secret star.
Cloudia Charters


Elephant's Child said...

I really, really like the way Daniel Lubetzky thinks.

Katerinas Blog said...

Be willing to be a beginner every morning!
How much wisdom it contains in itself.
Have a beautiful day Clοudia!

William Kendall said...

Gorgeous skies.

eileeninmd said...

Pixie dust, she can shake that everywhere.
The first quote is a favorite!
Happy 4th of July!
Take care, have a wonderful day!

Tom said...

...have a Happy 4th.

Sandi said...

That cloud in the first picture looks like an angel.

roentare said...

Thank you for the wonderful quotes

Barbara Rogers said...

Loved the Lubetzky quote! And Pixie dust could just be the answer to many secret problems. The clouds were just beautiful.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

The clouds in the first photo are simply inspiring, Cloudia, and the quote fits. I'll take Pixie and pixie dust any time of the day.

Teresa said...

Here's to a Fourth of July filled with eco-friendly Pixie dust sprinkled everywhere! Great post. I love the double-hulled canoe video.

carol l mckenna said...

Happy Independence Day ~ Awesome sky shot and great post ~ Pixie is the best part ~ hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

RedPat said...

The sky shots are wonderful today as is the Pixie dust, Cloudia. ;-)

Mike said...

I like the flowers in p3&4. But every time I look plants up that I think I might like to buy, they turn out to be invasive species here.

Anvilcloud said...

If only it were all of us vs extremism.

Andrew said...

Such very nice cloud photos today.

Klara said...

awesome skies.

Jim said...

Amazing clouds.

Jocelyn said...

Great sky shots!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

A really beautiful and unusual sky, accompanied by a wonderful quote!

Photo Cache said...

I love the sky on photo #1.

Worth a Thousand Words

Michelle said...

I love the Barrie quote. We all need Pixie and her dust :) Thank you for linking up.