Friday, February 28, 2025


 A L O H A  From

H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U

Night never had 
the last word. 
The dawn is always 
Hugh B. Brown

All humans realize 
they are loved when 
witnessing the dawn; 
early morning is the 
triumph of good over evil. 
Absolved by light 
we decide to go on.     
    Rufus Wainwright

Always Looks Small
When You Hold It
 In Your Hand -
 But Let It Go,
And You learn at once 
How B I G And how
PRECIOUS it is. 
Maxim  Gorky

I Talk to myself.
Sometimes I need
expert advice!

   Edward Henheffer



Love You,

                       Pixie & Cloudia


Thursday, February 27, 2025


 A L O H A  From

H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U

Walking is good for solving problems —

it’s like the feet are

little psychiatrists. Terri Guillemets

A big part of being happy
is being excited. Be excited
for everything -
making a cup of tea,
seeing a friend, the next
episode of your favorite show,
buying something you've been
saving up for, sunsets,
traveling, falling in love.
Live a life you are
excited about!

Never Regret anything 
that made you smile.
Mark Twain

Immature coconut 
fashioned into
a baby seal!

No one else
can make you happy. Happiness is the result of love coming out of you. This is the Mastery of Love. Don Miguel Ruiz

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

Banana Flower

How can you tell the
difference between a
monster and a banana? Try picking it up.
If you can’t,
it’s either a monster
or a giant banana.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Miracles Growing

 A L O H A  From
H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U

May the stars carry
your sadness away,
May the flowers fill
your heart with beauty,
May hope forever wipe
away your tears,
And, above all, may
silence make you strong.
Chief Dan George,
Tsleil-Waututh Nation

Every time we remember 
to say "thank you," 
we experience nothing less 
than heaven on earth.
Sarah Ban Breathnach

Honi is a Polynesian greeting
that involves two people
touching noses and inhaling simultaneously. It's a
traditional way to greet
others, regardless of gender. 

Out of difficulties 
grow miracles.
Jean de La Bruyère

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

There's light at the end,
That's what they say, But look and see,
There's a glow all along the way! Even in darkness,
Shimmers if slight, Dancing and humming
Such curious light! Challenges can look
like shadows too tall, But what if they turned
Into friends after all? Each twist and curve,
A chance to explore, To learn and to grow, and
Become something more. Remember when facing
A tunnel so long, Your friend the light
That is there all along. In laughter and kindness,
In friendship and play, Even life's darkness
Can't keep joy away. Cloudia Charters

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Winner Regardless

 A L O H A  From

H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U

Never be in a hurry; 
do everything quietly 
and in a calm spirit.
Do not lose your inner 
peace for anything 
whatsoever, even if your 
whole world seems upset.
What is anything in life 
compared to peace of soul?
     Francis de Sales

Cooper Hawk

When a leader disregards 
constitutional order, they 
give up legitimacy and 
the people are justified in 
treating them as a 
thief and a robber. 
Whosoever in authority 
exceeds the power given 
him by the law and makes 
use of the force he has 
under his command…ceases in 
that to be a magistrate; and, 
acting without authority, may be opposed, as any other man, 
who by force invades the 
right of another.”  
John Locke 1690 *
Second Treatise on Government

Wong Ho Lane @ Young St. Honolulu
Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, 
or a ladder. 
Help someone's 
soul heal. 
Walk out of 
your house 
like a shepherd.

Appreciate every moment
because this moment
is your precious life.
An appreciation of what
you have brings the
ultimate abundance
in your life.
  Debasish Mridha

Regardless of how 
you feel inside, always try 
to look like a winner. 
Even if you are behind, 
a sustained look of control 
and confidence can give you 
a mental edge that 
results in victory. 
  Diane Arbus


Love You,
 Cloudia & Pixie

Though she be but little,
she is fierce.
 A Midsummer Night's Dream

*John Locke is considered a crucial figure in the development of democracy because his political philosophy, particularly his ideas about natural rights, the social contract, and the right to revolution, laid the foundation for the concept of government based on the consent of the governed, significantly influencing the American Revolution and the U.S. Constitution, where principles like separation of powers and individual liberties are deeply rooted in his theories.

Monday, February 24, 2025

The Last Time You Changed

A L O H A  From


Some believe
it is only great power
that can hold evil in check,
but that is not
what I have found.
It is the small everyday
deeds of ordinary folk that
keep the darkness at bay.
Small acts of kindness
and love.
J.R.R. Tolkien
The Hobbit, pub. 1937

The turquoise tide
shimmered in shades
of mermaid tails against
the alabaster shore. Karen Marie Moning 

You're only as young as
the last time you
changed your mind.
Timothy Leary

Moonbeams tiptoe,
Dreams begin to show.
Cloudpuff pillows float on by,
People's wishes
crossing the sky.
Imagination takes its flight,
Enthralling embrace
Of the burgeoning night.
Cloudia Charters

I dream.
Sometimes I think
that's the only
right thing to do. Haruki Murakami


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

Power Water
Be like water 
making its way 
through cracks
Do not be assertive, 
but adjust to the object, 
and you shall find a way 
around or through it.
   Bruce Lee

Sunday, February 23, 2025


 A L O H A  From

H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U

By accepting yourself
and fully being
what you are, your
simple presence can
make others happy.

An authentically empowered 
person is humble.
This does not mean 
the false humility
of one who stoops 
  It is the inclusiveness of
 one who responds to
the beauty of each soul.
                    Gary Zukav 

Don’t seek to be happy;
let everyone else chase
after that rainbow.
Seek to be kind, and you’ll
find the rainbow follows you.
    Richelle E. Goodrich

Do not let the bitterness 
steal your sweetness.
 Take pride that even though 
the rest of the world 
may disagree, you still 
believe it to be 
a beautiful place.
Iain S. Thomas


Adenium obesum, desert rose

In a world where kindness is a rebellious act let's all become rebels!

Ah, the patter of little feet
 around the house. 
There's nothing 
like having a 
for a butler.
      W. C. Fields

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

Linking To

Monday Murals

Jaipur Garden Affair

Putting On A Happy Face