Sunday, October 12, 2008

Judgemental People. . .

"When a friend speaks to me, whatever they say is interesting." - Jean Renoir

"I'm not young enough to know everything." - Oscar Wilde

"A sage may hide in many disguises. The person giving us the hardest time may actually be saving our lives. We can never tell from one moment to the next if an event is for our well-being, so it is wise to give everything and everyone the benefit of the doubt."
- David A Cooper
Bertrand Russell wrote, “The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists — that is why they invented hell.”

Judgmental people are fragile people. They so fear what might occur that they preoccupy themselves with rules. The ones they judge most harshly are themselves, but that is cold comfort for their many targets. As a rule, comfort with diversity grows along with spiritual self-confidence.
Ironically it is the tolerant who are truly living up to good values and a high standard. They are confident that Right will prevail, and so are usually patient with others, inviting them to join in the joy of goodness at their own pace and in their own way. The tolerant can find good almost everywhere they look, and are more concerned with fixing problems and healing hurts than in finding someone to blame.
Meanwhile the judgmental scrutinize everyone they meet with a suspicious eye. They live in a frighteningly lawless world that may misbehave at any moment. You see, their god is terribly weak. They believe that He needs their help to root out all the world’s sin or He might miss something. Emotional passion so rules them that they believe that hatred, even violence, are superior to prayer and compassion as tools to change the world for the better.
A L O H A ! Cloudia


Anonymous said...

I believe that God is Love. If so, will the majority of people enter heaven or just a minority? This assumes that God is the greatest judge of all.

Anonymous said...

21 It is not a question whether God is love. There is no way to know since nature is bloody in tooth and fang. What is important is whether we are love; know love; give love. The rest takes care of itself.


Cloudia said...

Comfort Spiral is as easy as falling off a log. It is letting go of 'big' questions for a while and just allowing the wisdom inside to percolate to the surface of our attention. I do not state the answers to big dogma-type questions here; but they are in some sense only the mind showing off for itself anyway. Satisfying answers start somewhere else and only convince the mind after they are FELT and experienced. The body knows what it knows. We choose our choices. We make our life out of our free will choices. (as some say that God intends). Thanks to you BOTH for visiting!