Just play 'hooky' today and come for a walk around sunny, breezy Honolulu with me!
What do you say?
"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it." - Thomas Jefferson
“When the heart is at ease, the body is healthy”
-Chinese Proverb
"Let life happen to you. Believe me: life is in the right, always."
-Rainer Maria Rilke
A L O H A! Cloudia
Oh I so need to play hooky today and be somewhere beautiful, thankyou! :)
Your photos are wonderful and I love the tour of Oahu, love what you have to say and I enjoy the quotes. Always great to visit here. Thank you.
Wool gathering glory
Your photos are heaven compared to the snow Toronto got yesterday. We're due for more tomorrow, but this evening I can blissfully peruse your photos of warmth and sun.
what a happy looking post today - wonderful people, smiling faces!
we get rainbows, but not so often - i've never heard of moonbows though!
Have a good walk Cloudia !
My mushrooms red an white are very dangerous. You eat them, you die !
I wish I could play hooky today! Oh well.. I'll live vicariously through you today!
Great quotes and photographs. I'd like to play hooky today too.
Akelamalu: Come along, my Dear!
Always ;-) friend.
Denise: Mahalo (thanks!)
Barbara Martin: Toronto is one of the great cities. Thanks for posting!
Kiwi: Ah! I thought that 'moon bows' might be a tropical condition. They are faint & circle the moon.
Claude: I enjoy your pictures de Paris. Your english is very fine; my French - not so hot. MERCI!
Bubble Wench: to quote Dorothy "I think I love you most of all." Hang in there heroic grrrl!
Carver: My man! Nice to see ya here in da spiral ;-)
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