Wednesday, January 21, 2009


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"If you love peace, be prepared for war."
Leonardo da Vinci

"When you appeal to force, there's one thing you must never do - lose."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

“O God, thy sea is so great, and my boat is so small"

" The right things to do are those that keep our violence in abeyance; the wrong things are those that bring it to the fore."
Robert J. Sawyer

Last week a contingent of US Marines approached a tropical Oahu beach in their armored Amphibious Assault Vehicle. Around 6:30 pm the troop carrier was hit by a rogue swell about a half mile from the shore and forced against a reef. Suddenly, they were taking on water. As it headed for land, the vehicle lost power and sank about 500 feet off of Bellow's Beach a popular recreation & camping area. An assault exercise morphed into a rescue operation as all hands were ferried to safety. Then the rescue operation became an environmental protection mission as Navy divers monitored the submerged vehicle for leaking fuel. So far there has been no damage to the sea or land. Once the AAV is removed, the State will ascertain if reef damage was caused. Though I am a devout advocate for Peace, I refuse to demonize those who choose to serve in the military. During my childhood our family made the acquaintance of some Holocaust survivors. They never spoke of it, but I saw the numbers tattooed on their wrists. As an adult now, I realize that they kept those tattoos for a reason. While I deplore any war "of choice" and mourn the power that has no doubt been exercised in my name, I know that sometimes the right thing, the only human thing to do, is to fight back against the powers of tyranny. May this world outgrow war, and soon.
A L O H A! Cloudia


the walking man said...

This nation and my generation learned the results of "demonizing" troops who had gone to the field, answering the call of their government. Viet-Nam veterans served honorably, proudly and were forgotten for twenty years. Fought at every turn for the veterans benefits, especially medical, that were promised them, at last there is some endeavor to give them what they deserve in return for heeding that call.

I deplore the thought of the children of any nation dieing far from home, as every right minded person would. Yet I see the need at certain times to fight wars. I have faith this administration will disengage from Iraq and go after the inspirational source of terror in Afghanistan with renewed effort. And that them who serve in this young generation come back acknowledged as the sword point of freedom they truly are.

Sepiru Chris said...

We give up leisure in order that we may have leisure, just as we go to war in order that we may have peace.

Aristotle "Politics"

Dave King said...

A lot to think about in those few, very pertinent, quotes!

Junosmom said...

Amen, Cloudia.
I ordered your book from Amazon and received it in the mail yesterday. I am looking forward to reading it.

claude said...

Beautiful wood carved statues.

Anonymous said...

I so agree with your closing sentence - when will we, all of us on the planet, finally have enough of fighting each other.

The Grandpa said...
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The Grandpa said...

My youngest brother is an Air Force lieutenant colonel. He has been a fighter pilot and has spent a large part of his career evaluating the readiness of men and women to do battle. I have been a pacifist for as long as I can remember. But I have the utmost respect for what my brother has spent his adult life doing. Aloha, Cloudia.

Charles Gramlich said...

We can only hope for a "just" war, and so few are.

Akelamalu said...

I so echo your words and sentiments my dear. Wonderful post.

Cloudia said...

Walking Man: thank you for that!

Chris: Mahalo for your contribution, my Friend!

Dave King: Thank YOU, Sir!

Junosmom: Thanks for getting it. I'm SO excited that you are reading it. Hope you love it.

Claude: Bonjour & merci, mon ami!

Deborah G: We're on the same page, Friend!

Granpa: Well lived and well said!!

Charles; aloha, Man!

Ake: You are a dear friend, Sistah!

Feisty Crone said...

Moving post, Cloudia.

SandyCarlson said...

The military..... Yeesh. They need to practice their swimming lessons before we send them anywhere.

carmilevy said...

So beautifully said. I dropped by to thank you for the blog-follow and for your exceptionally kind comments on my site. I found myself captivated by the first entry I saw. I, too, am gonna love your site!

I've always bristled at the "war is bad" mantra. Nothing is ever as black and white as it seems. And I would have gone to war in a heartbeat back then if I knew I could beat back the forces that almost destroyed my family and my people.

Indeed, both of my mother's brothers did just that by volunteering to leave their comfy lives in Canada to fly warplanes out of Britain. It was the greatest honor of my life to edit one of my uncle's books on the experience before he passed away.

magiceye said...


Barbara Martin said...

Wonderful post, Cloudia, accompanied by perfect photos. Makes a person consider their choices.

Cloudia said...

Mahalo, GRAN!

Sandy: Thanks for your comment ;->

Carmi: Back at ya! Aloha friend.

Barbara: Glad to be a part of your day. Mahalo.

Namaste, MAGICEYE!

Fida said...

I am so with you, Cloudia! Thank you.