Thursday, February 12, 2009

MoonBow and Meow

"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." Oscar Wilde

" I cannot live without books."
Thomas Jefferson

"Night time is really the best time to work. All the ideas are there to be yours because everyone else is asleep." Catherine O'Hara

jelly fish

The phone rang at midnight – you can imagine how I felt! Too early even for an east coast caller forgetting the time difference. The voice on the other end said: “I’m calling about a cat.” A cat?! Is this a joke? “Someone found a slightly injured orange tom wandering on Diamond Head. His microchip has your phone number. I’m calling from the SPCA.” My eyes shot open. Could this be our 2000 adoptee who jumped ship after just a week with our household? We’d taken to referring to him as ‘Houdini’ for his disappearing act. “Yes, 2000. That’s right. What shall we do with him?” By now I had located the prodigal’s ‘sister’ Miss Kitty (adopted that same day) peacefully sleeping on a pile of (formerly) clean laundry. The prospect of dragooning the escapee back to our boat in chains (or a cat carrier) didn’t sit right. “Well. . . Um. . .” I said. “That’s OK. The guy who found him wants to adopt him. Whew! These days we enjoy imagining Houdini’s wanderings among the low bushes and back streets of Waikiki. We marvel at his 8 years of survival and his amazing luck in finding a friend just in time to retire (mostly) indoors. We like to think of him in his new pal’s lap, remembering his many adventures and enjoying a warm hand on his head. . .
A L O H A! Cloudia


Anonymous said...

Is that jelly fish hanging around outside YOUR boat? I've heard they are seasonal. Is that kitty sleeping in catnip or a patch of grass? DrumMajor

Brother Tobias said...

What a survivor! Glad he's found a patron.

Anonymous said...

A messenger is a messenger from God. Glad there is a patron.

Dave King said...

That top photograph is a top photograph. Superb.

DeniseinVA said...

How extraordinary Cloudia. Relatives of ours, their dog went missing and turned up on their doorstep two years later footsore and weary. What a story he could have told. Wonderful photos!

Eric S. said...

That's great. Cat found and offered a new life. 8 years is a long time. I would thing he should be taking stock of his nine lives.

Charles Gramlich said...

Go thee to the cats. That cat pic says it all. Nature is so important to us, and we ignore it at our peril.

Daryl said...

I love a happy ending!

Akelamalu said...

The prodigal returns, or not in this case but at least you know where he is!

I love the picture of the cat asleep :)

Anonymous said...

Ah, don't we all want a nice cozy lap, or the comforting equivalent, from time to time...

Glennis said...

Amazing story of survival. If only they could talk sometimes they really have a story to tell.
How nice that you have a patch of green grass for Miss Kitty, specially if she is living on board a boat, it would make her happy.

Cloudia said...

Yes,Drum Major, Jellyfish! Grass, i'm no kitty drug-pusher!

Brother T: Noble sentiment!

Hobo: Aloha.

Dave King: well spoken! thankyou, sir.

thank you, Denise!

Eric S: You are right ;-)

Charles: Indeed!

Daryl, Ake, Deborah, Glennis: wish we were sitting at tea RIGHT NOW!
Aloha friends-

Sepiru Chris said...

Felicitous feline fates... sing heavenly muse of the stories of those who are away, exploring their world and making their own destinies...

Cloudia, I really appreciate the jellyfish you caught, frozen in time, between radial undulations, beneath the coruscating water.

magiceye said...

that sure is great
now he can be named 200-9(lives)

have reset the picture on my blog and you should be able to see it now.
thank you

Maria Verivaki said...

i'd love to see a moon bow - dont think i have ever seen one before

Barbara Martin said...

Orange cats are my favourite, and I love the sleeping tabby photo.

Junosmom said...

It's always cool to hear closure as a good ending.