Japanese researcher Dr. Emoto spent years studying the crystallization properties of water. Water with different characteristics, he found, produces very different crystal structures.
Dr. E. photographs these for documentation.
Polluted water produces brown, ugly structures. Clean water from pristine mountain streams blossoms into brilliantly bright structures of ethereal beauty.
Dr. Emoto got the idea to talk to water.
"Thank you," he said to a batch of water before crystallizing it.
The resulting crystals were as beautiful as angels.
"I hate you," he said to the next batch.
The crystal formed was dark, misshapen and ugly.
Dr. E tried writing the word
"Beauty" on a piece of paper, which he then taped to the next batch of experimental water.
The crystal structure formed was lovely.
Ancient people trusted in the magical power of words.
A prayer written on papyrus, then dissolved in water,
and drunk down,
had the power to bless and heal
they believed.
What other ancient magic have we discarded?
A L O H A, Cloudia
I would say a perfect post. Has something that I liked in each picture.
I agree with Patty & Abe: it's a perfect post! Talking to water!! Now that's interesting. A sister of our Queen Beatrix, talks to trees and hugs them. She is Princess Irene.
Thank you for your nice comment!
As always wonderful photos and inspiring quotes .. I do love the pup's pose!
Wow, that is so cool about the beauty of water and talking to it!
The dog quotes are perfect. I have to say, though, I'm pretty skeptical about the talk to water thing.
I've seen photos of those forms, they're amazing!
I vote for this being the perfect post also, Cloudia! Wonderful.
There is an old saying that I've just thought of as I read your post, not sure if I have it exactly but the gist of it is, "The meaning of the words may be long forgotten but how the words made you feel when you heard them never will be." Lovely post, lovely quotes, lovely pictures.
There is energy in words...
I believe it!
Pat & Abe: Coming from YOU, that kind comment has made my Sunday. Thanks so much for looking in. Aloha!
Wil: How interesting about your dear Princess!
Daryl: YOU catch the BEST dog shots at your cool blog, so thanks!!
Heather: Yeah. Apparently our intention and tone really affect things!
Charles: As a scientist, you should investigate Dr. Masuru Emoto's website and see his data & bonafides, eh? (If you care to). I'm pleased that you find a moment of value here, and your comments have a greal flavor, voice & interest - like your blog posts. I saw some movie filmed in your LA and the big skies were awesome. You make Hawaii jealous on the right day! Aloha-
Deborah- They remind me of symbols, or Asian brush strokes.
Gran: Mahalos my friend. I really get pleasure from thinking of you looking out at a winters day, with the day off, and you choose to visit here! now THAT's cool.
Denise: Thanks for that bit of wisdom and your dear visit! ALOHA is within you, I'm sure.
DeeTree: Haven't you found that, too? Did you see Reader Wil's comment above about love of Trees? DeeTree- I've gotta read your profile/blog again to see where you got such a lovely name.
Aloha friends!
I love the water research. We have so much influence on each other. How exciting to think we can turn it into a beautiful energy!
that was so interesting!
loved the 2nd pic the best
namaste and aloha!!
These photos are so beautiful. The little dog is adorable.
Hmm, I also wonder what else has been lost.
We have discarded "quiet".
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