Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dodged the Bullet

A L O H A!
Aren't YOU glad that YOU aren't in Waikiki Today?
click on photos for the full experienceThe folks at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center
are busily working the phones, computers & satellite feeds.
They are monitoring buoys scattered throughout the Pacific
looking for patterns and trends.
An 8.4 earthquake rumbled in Samoa today
creating waves that pushed some cars around, destroyed at least one village, and injured some people; though there
are no reports of fatalities.

Selfishly, the question for me is:
"Do I need to grab necessities
(including Kitty) and head for the hills?
We do after all live on a boat here in Waikiki.

Bless my gal pal Judy who called to warn me and re-activate our standing emergencies-invite to her lovely home WAY up
on the hillside.
(Thanks, Special!)

Imagine living in the days when a gentle, island day like this could suddenly,
without warning, erupt in a huge killer wave or hurricane!
Better to know, but still disruptive of my planned day.

"Why must there always be a problem!"
George Costanza / Larry David

Well, General Lee, of the Hawaii National Guard and the
Civil Defense honchos
inside their Diamond Head HQ, are letting their breath out as the experts at PTWC downgrade the threat to our Islands.
At 11:11 am Hawaiian Standard Time it appears that we will have some unusual tides, but no hugely dangerous tsunami, arriving sometime after 1pm.

Locals and visitors are advised not to swim in the ocean till 7:30 pm.
I will be standing by to ease up my lines, shift bumpers, & otherwise protect our floating

Not the way I intended to spend my day but. . .
"Life is what happens, while you are busy making other plans."
John Lennon

And speaking of major impacts that can shatter all "normalcy"
yesterday, September 28th, was the 75th Birthday of "BB"
Brigitte Bardot

<>< . ><>
"In all her films, she likes animals."
De Beauvoir

"Well my telephone rang it would not stop.
It's President Kennedy callin` me up.
He said 'My friend Bob, what do we need
to make the country grow?'
I said, 'My friend, Brigitte Bardot. . . .' "
Thanks SO much for looking in.
Let's meet here tomorrow for more
mundane sights,
Quirky Quotes,
and "Tall Tale" speculations!
Warm Aloha, Cloudia


Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

I was thinking about you today. And how come I didnt know you lived on a boat??

Deb said...

stay away from the water until the threat of the tsunami passes!!!!!

Marguerite said...

Stay safe, Cloudia! So nice of your gal pal to offer. Always be prepared, as we say in hurricane country. Sending you positive wishes! Aloha, cher!

Teresa said...

Hi Cloudia,

Glad you're all safe. I read about the earthquake in the paper and that there was a tsunami warning for Hawaii. Silly me thought that you would be safer on a boat, like the Malaysian/Indonesian sea nomads, but I guess they were the ones that instinctively knew when to get OFF the boats and head for the hills. I heard they saved most of the population of one island in 2004. Got any sea nomads near you?

Erik Donald France said...

Thank goodness. I guess it's a give and a take; beautiful weather most of the time, punctuated randomly by disaster.

But where I've lived, it's been ice and snow, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. Tradeoffs.

I did see that a dozen and probably more people were reported killed in American Samoa.

Glennis said...

Thank Goodness the tsunami has been and gone without too much destruction. Always best to get up on to higher ground when one threatens. We also live beside the sea, but fortunately our home is on a hillside and would be quite safe from tsunami.

Dina said...

What a strong earthquake at 8+!
Just the thought of tsunami is so scary.
I wish you safety in your water.

Thanks for the links.

Anonymous said...

Yes, few minutes back I heard the same while watching television.
Sad And I wish safety for each and everyone forever for always.

magiceye said...

take care...

namaste /\

Bubblewench said...

Thinking of you and hope you stay safe!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

BB's 75? Well, saw a recent pic and she looks good. I love how she fights for the animals. Glad you are safe.

Cloudia said...

Miss Bardot and I thank each of your for stopping by to check on us! Aloha, Friends