“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
Dr. Seuss

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Maya Angelou
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."
For the first time in over 40 years, a nation has decided to change the
side of the street that they drive on.
Today is the second day of a two-day national holiday in
S A M O A.
The island nation will now be driving on the
Left Side, British style,
like Pacific neighbors Australia and New Zealand.
Have your figured out why they are making this change?
Steering-wheel-on-da-left American cars
are expensive to ship!
Samoan officials hope that expat Samoans in Oz & N.Z.
(of which there are many)
will send used cars home to their rural relatives.
It is hoped that this change will thus give the country
an economic shot in the arm.
Experts claim that doing things in new ways,
like brushing ones teeth with the unaccustomed arm,
is good for the brain-
forging new connections and maintaining cognitive flexibility.
How might you improve
life by seeing things in new ways,
trying on new perspectives?
Thanks for visiting today!
A L O H A! Cloudia
For the first time in over 40 years, a nation has decided to change the
side of the street that they drive on.
Today is the second day of a two-day national holiday in
S A M O A.
The island nation will now be driving on the
Left Side, British style,
like Pacific neighbors Australia and New Zealand.
Have your figured out why they are making this change?
Steering-wheel-on-da-left American cars
are expensive to ship!
Samoan officials hope that expat Samoans in Oz & N.Z.
(of which there are many)
will send used cars home to their rural relatives.
It is hoped that this change will thus give the country
an economic shot in the arm.
Experts claim that doing things in new ways,
like brushing ones teeth with the unaccustomed arm,
is good for the brain-
forging new connections and maintaining cognitive flexibility.
How might you improve
life by seeing things in new ways,
trying on new perspectives?
Thanks for visiting today!
A L O H A! Cloudia
What a great question! I had a difficult day yesterday, driving the point home that I need to reconsider how I view my life, my past, and my future. I am entering a new phase and you give me food for thought, thanks Cloudia!
I'm getting my chair, a good book, an iced cold drink and then I'm going to sit in that first picture and just enjoy myself.
Have a terrific day. :)
Thanks for the reminder, Cloudia. i will brush my teeth left-handed tonight and see what new things come out in my dreams!
With my birthday tomorrow this was surely of interest to read.
With regard to the 'left side' spend much time to do things with the other hand, e.g. open/closing doors, trying to write, turning pages of a book.
With the quote of Dr. Seuss I got happy - thank you.
How jolly!
You do it every time. You include a quote or a line that speaks to my heart in just the way I need to be spoken to. Dr. Seuss got me this time. Thank you. I have some trouble makers at work who are driving me nuts. But now I know what to do.
I am going to brush right-handed tonight.
Well, Cloudia, I did try laying on my left arm for an hour and ten and then jerking off with it, does that count?
I like her cute little outfit too!
I've learned how to give myself time to ponder a situation, by forgetting about it for a bit. Within a few minutes, hours, or even days, another possibility hits me, the old light bulb goes up and I hear, I swear ding ding ding.
I will try brushing my teeth with my left hand tonight, and report back to you tomorrow!
Luv ya, Sandy.
Dr. Seuss and Maya Angelou rock! Aloha friend.
Hey Gal Pal, See that you're at it again. Making us think! My mind is still on the beach. Lovely photo! Thanks for visiting while I was on vacation! Cheers!
I think it would be wise to stay off Samoan roads for a while :)
Once again, you've inspired me to think. And to smile.
Never lock yourself in to thought patterns that become swiftly old. Try even the unfamiliar ones on to see how they make you feel.
Israel TV news showed the switch-over in Samoa. What chaos. The country declared a two day holiday for it.
Maybe I'll jump rope backwards. Yes, I bought a jumprope yesterday.
I like her cute little BODY, lol !
Well glad to see Y'all too!!!
Thanks so much for making me smile big time!
Hi Cloudia
Our news coverage showed quite a bit of dissent in Samoa...many did not want to change to the left...and protested...but it went ahead nevertheless...
I loke this quote you posted recently...
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Maya Angelou
Happy days
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