Dear Friends
Dear Friends
click on Claus for a hearty Ho Ho Ho!
"If you could imagine the most incredible story ever, it would be less incredible than the story of being here. . .
When your soul awakens, you begin to truly inherit your life.
You leave the kingdom of fake surfaces, repetitive talk, and weary roles
and slip deeper into the true adventure of who you are and who you are called to become.
The greatest friend of the soul is the unknown. Yet we are afraid of the unknown because it lies outside our vision and our control. . ."
When your soul awakens, you begin to truly inherit your life.
You leave the kingdom of fake surfaces, repetitive talk, and weary roles
and slip deeper into the true adventure of who you are and who you are called to become.
The greatest friend of the soul is the unknown. Yet we are afraid of the unknown because it lies outside our vision and our control. . ."
"Now you realize how precious your time here is.
You are no longer willing to squander your essence on undertakings that do not nourish your true self; your patience grows thin with tired talk and dead language. . . On this journey you begin to see how the sides of your heart that seemed awkward, contradictory, and uneven are the places where the treasure lies hidden. . .
"You develop from your own self-compassion a great compassion for others. You are no longer caught in the false game of judgment , comparison and assumption.
More naked now than ever, you begin to feel truly alive."
John O'Donohue
(All quotes today)
More naked now than ever, you begin to feel truly alive."
John O'Donohue
(All quotes today)
Thank You for Your Visit
at this most Busy Time of the Year! cloudia
at this most Busy Time of the Year! cloudia
This is a beautiful post 1! I enjoyed the video very much.
nice t-shirt.
Understanding that nature and nature are shared traits makes the whole unified into a duet of singularity.
Mahalo for correcting my spelling of Mele Kalikimaka. My Korea Vet neighbor can sing the Bing Crosby version after being in Hawaii during his entire Korean War tour of duty. Beautiful lights all over Paradise!
Good old Bing! Merry Christmas, Cloudia. Yes, let's play in the snow before it's melting, which it does right now.
Thanks for the fresh, warm sea breezes. Here I'm listening to the rattle of steam pipes in our 1927 home (don't get me wrong, I love it!) as my sinus passages dry to the point of cracking.... SNEEZE!!!!
love ya,
Lovely video, thanks m'deario. x
nice! merry xmas!
Please come to my blog and download my FREE e-book - it makes you smile!
Happy greetings from Cairo!
Lovely dancers.
Magnificent post on all quarters!
I'm dreaming of the day I can spend Christmas in Hawaii.
Beautiful post, Cloudia! I've been too busy to blog recently, so just in case I don't get the chance to visit again before Christmas Day, here's wishing you a really lovely Christmas, and thank you so much for your treasured bloggy friendship through the year!
(I wonder if I'd be able to keep my balance on a surf board - I don't think any of us giraffes over here surf! :)
i needed this 2day!
Mele Kalikimaka Cloudia, enjoyed another great post and sang along with the music on the video as I had another cup of hot chocolate to warm my chilly nose ;) May 2010 bring you nothing but joy.
There are days when I am glad that no systems are working, as it proofs me that there are still things "able to happen" that we cannot control - providing many of such "minutes" you talked about earlier.
Please have you all a wonderful Christmas.
Pffft! I'm NEVER too busy to visit my friend Cloudia! :-)
great blog
merry christmas to you and yours, cloudia :)
namaste /\
Beautiful pics, beautiful words.
But I gotta tell you something, and it's so sad.
Whenever I hear Bing Crosby now I think of him beating his kids!!!
Ya gotta LOVE coconut bras!!
Happy Holidays Cloudia....G
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