Monday, February 15, 2010

Scry Me to the Moon

Aloha Monday
Here in


please click on photos to enjoy them

"Your friend will argue with you."

"There are no rules of architecture
for a castle in the clouds."
G. K. Chesterton

Scry me to the moon

"The real object of education
is to have one in the condition
of continually asking questions."
Bishop Creighton

"Crystal sincerity hath found no shelter but in a fool's cap."
Gerard Manley Hopkins


I am the scryer of surf breaks
who reads the entrails of this land,
Lines of hieroglyphic clouds,
and the sounds of Chinatown's
close city streets,
human languages, and trade winds,
all speak to me
in shadings and gradations
of truth.

An "enemy" dead
is revealed a friend
and co-creator;
thus I gratefully battle
my interlocutors with chivalry.
For, after all,
they serve their vision of the good

And if they've taken
the hypocrisy oath
for power, security, or money only
they'll face a harsher Critic
than myself,
empowered to punish
and purify.

I read the entrails of this life:
"All Good."

ALOHA, Friend! cloudia


the walking man said...

It is only because you fear not to reach your hands into the steaming belly that you are able to scry that coming day where we find the way to all is good.

Aloha and bring some peace to the east where the 'aina needs a bit of relief.

Akelamalu said...

Lovely photos Cloudia, I especially like the sky one.


Aloha to you ! Fab post as ever. Have a sunny week

Dinesh chandra said...

beutiful post(sunder in hindi).I like birds.

Dinesh Chandra

SandyCarlson said...

Such a beautiful way to wake up, Cloudia. I enjoyed that very much. Just spent some time reading the Tao and contemplating the idea that I should see myself in my enemies. A wonderful challenge.

wenn said...

true, asking questions is a true form of education.

Teresa said...

This post brightened my day and it's not even 7 am!

Junosmom said...

Okay, Cloudia, that is just weird. I ended my post today, "All good." I did not read your post until just now, seeing that you ended your post, "All good." But I see you wrote this at 12 a.m. Spooky.

Jo said...

I always love the quotes on your posts, Cloudia. They're wonderful.

Lana Gramlich said...

Lovely shots. Much better than the blowing & c-c-cold here in Arkansas (where we're visiting Charles' mom.)

Reader Wil said...

Nice shots! Aloha, Cloudia!

The Weaver of Grass said...

There are some wise words here Cloudia.

Cloudia said...

Thank you!!

"All good" must be the theme of the day!

Anonymous said...

The Hippocratic oath, was the first book that I was able to read in its original language. Yet, hardly there is a better interpretation to be found, than yours.
A wonderful Tuesday for you.

JewWishes said...

Lovely photos, all!!!

magiceye said...


namaste /\

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

great quotes!

Cloudia said...

so good of you to come!