Aloha, Friend!
Today We Celebrate
The Making of
click on the miracle of the day:
Today We Celebrate
The Making of
click on the miracle of the day:
"The man who is anybody and who does anything
is surely going to be criticized, vilified, and misunderstood.
This is a part of the penalty for greatness, and every great man understands it;
and understands, too, that it is no proof of greatness.
The final proof of greatness lies in being able to endure contumely without resentment."
Elbert Green Hubbard
is surely going to be criticized, vilified, and misunderstood.
This is a part of the penalty for greatness, and every great man understands it;
and understands, too, that it is no proof of greatness.
The final proof of greatness lies in being able to endure contumely without resentment."
Elbert Green Hubbard
"Any person in a position of prominence
must always keep in mind
that if he is going to accomplish anything worthwhile,
he must have courage and fortitude
to stand against the abuse and criticisms of others."
Paul Osumi
must always keep in mind
that if he is going to accomplish anything worthwhile,
he must have courage and fortitude
to stand against the abuse and criticisms of others."
Paul Osumi
"Greatness does not approach him
who is forever looking down."
who is forever looking down."
"The Way of Heaven
is to benefit others
and not to injure.
The way of the sage
is to act
without competing."
Lao Tzu
"All violent feelings
have the same effect.
They produce in us
a falseness in all our impressions
of external things. . .
the 'Pathetic Fallacy.' "
Ruskin, 1856
It has been much worse than pathetic watching transcendentally hypocritical blow-hards like Boehner weep crocodile tears about extending health care to the millions of our fellow citizens who lack it. It has been beyond sad to see the slurs hurled at civil rights veteran Congressman John Lewis, at Representative Frank, and others who aroused the ire of "Tea Bagger" demonstrators in Washington this past week by having opinions different than theirs, but mostly for being "different" from the bulk of the demonstrators themselves.
But we did it.
It included over 200 amendments proposed by Republican members of Congress
but not one of them voted for it.
The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office says that the new law will reduce our deficits
by one trillion dollars in the next ten years; but the opposition says that we cannot afford it,
despite current trends in health care costs that will bankrupt the nation if they continue as is.
Americans, alone of all major nations' citizens, must fear bankruptcy if they have the misfortune to become seriously ill - and these are people who have insurance! Every day too many of us lose our insurance, or are denied critical, life-saving care. To say nothing of those, including children, who cannot even GET insurance coverage.
Now all of that will likely end. Republican leadership calls it "Armageddon."
So today is a historic day. As people benefit from the new law, they will forget that they were ever against it, or why they feared it. Those who called FDR a "devil" did not decline their own Social Security checks.
In a neat bit of timing, our historic accomplishment marks 45 years to the week
that Martin Luther King said:
I come to say to you this afternoon, however difficult the moment, however frustrating the hour, it will not be long,
because "truth crushed to earth will rise again."
How long? Not long, (Yes, sir) because "no lie can live forever."
And, behind the dim unknown,
Standeth God within the shadow,
Keeping watch above his own.
How long? Not long,
because the arc of the moral universe is long,
but it bends toward justice.
How long? Not long, (Not long) because:
His truth is marching on.
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat.
Glory, hallelujah! Glory, hallelujah!
His truth is marching on. [Applause]
Martin Luther King
Our God Is Marching On!
March 25, 1965. Montgomery, Ala.
ALOHA, cloudia
because "truth crushed to earth will rise again."
How long? Not long, (Yes, sir) because "no lie can live forever."
And, behind the dim unknown,
Standeth God within the shadow,
Keeping watch above his own.
How long? Not long,
because the arc of the moral universe is long,
but it bends toward justice.
How long? Not long, (Not long) because:
His truth is marching on.
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat.
Glory, hallelujah! Glory, hallelujah!
His truth is marching on. [Applause]
Martin Luther King
Our God Is Marching On!
March 25, 1965. Montgomery, Ala.
ALOHA, cloudia
I hope it's all true, by God, I hope it's all true!
The battle is far from done and the fight long from finished. But once signed at the least we are no longer standing on sandy soil when we fight.
Come November what must be remembered is the past years worth of obstruction, lies and spit.
Aloha sista!
Amen, sister. So be it. And thank you, Mr. President, for having the courage of our convictions to lead us forward.
I'm happy. But my family and I stand alone in my corner of the world.
It's a good time in the U.S. I just hope the Republicans don't dismantle healthcare, state by state, before they receive the benefits they didn't realize they would get. Spitting on the black Missouri congressman and throwing bricks into the Wichita Democratic that what the Republicans call fair?
I wore my Obama t-shirt yesterday! Good history in the making! DrumMajor
I've been in Medicine for 29 years,
(and taking it longer than that- LOL.). My only worry is the initial years of surviving "SLIGHTLY" sub-par medical care and long waits-(while the Rich fly off and receive the best/fastest care available) due to the shortage of competent Physicians.
Until the New wave of Health Care providers, or MORE of the Primary Care responsibly is delegated more to Nurse Practitioners and PA-C, of which I'm in the mix, and are MORE THAN COMPETENT to render basic care. Until that span of time is covered we will have some skewed statistics of it failing! But it can and will work long term.
It's time for the greed mongers to pay up. Big Insurance, Big Corporations- basically the top 1%--How much is enough? I hope you choked on your Lobster Bisque on your Yacht when I lost my home, to repossession and bankruptcy due to a health crises.
All the while rendering care, compassion and healing to those who could not pay for it! I don't pat myself on the back. It's what ANY human being should do for another in the Village!
I a Republican , now moved to Centrist- NEVER thought those words would come from this keyboard. But let's give it a chance. If it ain't broke- don't fix it!
Hugs from the Mainland,
I had to look up "contumely." That was a new one on me. I don't believe I have ever encountered it before.
The Republican party has nothing more to offer right now than knee-jerk opposition to anything and everything, and the peddling of base fear. Where was all this indignation over spending when George Bush was pouring billions into a vain war in Iraq? As I recall, the tea partyers of today were denouncing then anyone who opposed the war as being unpatriotic.
It is time for a civilized country to guarantee basic things like healthcare.
You might find Finnish system interesting:
KELA, or Kansaneläkelaitos (in Finnish) and SII or Social Insurance Institution (in English), is a Finnish government agency in charge of settling benefits under national social security programs. Kela was founded in 1937 to handle retirement pay, but in the 1980s and 1990s its role was expanded to handle other fields like child benefits, unemployment benefits, sickness benefits, health insurance and student benefits.
Link to KELA English pages
KELA main page
Aloha! Peace!
Luther King is himself my dear friend
and you are always miracle of our I right?
Sure I'm right !
Aloha peace-humanity..
This is a historical moment, indeed. All you said is valid and supportive of this victory for moral truth. Thank you!
Very interesting and informative post!
Beautiful words! Equally beautiful photos!
Good Afternoon Hawaii from Good Morning India
Amen Sister C, Amen! When I see very sick people having used up all their life's savings to stay alive after their insurance ran out, something has to be done. I hope people's great fears will be put to rest in all areas.
For sure of interest to read and follow the ongoing discussion/history in the making over there in your neck of the woods. Probably much this country could learn from.
So very much love the pictures of the kid with the kite, once i wrote a 13 page essay about such a picture...thank you for the memories.
A wonderful Wednesday for you all.
"So today is a historic day. As people benefit from the new law, they will forget that they were ever against it, or why they feared it. Those who called FDR a "devil" did not decline their own Social Security checks."
This is a good point but I don't see this healthcare bill having the blanket effect that social security has. It is so weakened, as to be almost nothing - thanks to the forces of backwards minds and those politicians that are filling their pockets with insurance industry pay-offs and whatever else they can get their grubby mitts on.
I'm way to the left of liberal so I won't make apologies for this part of my comment, though it does make me very sad to say it: President Obama is not without his own connections to the health insurance industry. Some things seem to be very consistent with all presidents - republican or democrat. There are way too many things in this administration that are consistent with the former. It's very discouraging.
In France we have a a social security for a very long time.
It is a good time for your country.
President Obama does what he said he would do and he could do it, but our President, not. He does what he wants and not what he said
he would do.
Aloha Cloudia !
Please can you visit my blog?
There is a gift for you.
Best wishes..
what more can I say: Congratulations !
Aloha, Cloudia.
PS You never know, attitudes might change, people might start thinking of those less fortunate than themselves.
Oh I forgot, and pigs might fly.
Top of the day to you.
What a wonderful collection you put together for this, Cloudia.
I can hear King in my head, "How long? Not long!" what a tremendous, charismatic speaker he was.
I can't even tell you how please I am that this has finally passed.
It shall be interesting to see how the bill bears out in the long run.
true reg the 1st quotation.
Oh Thank YOU!!!! Very wonderful comments; each of YOU
The ones beating their chests in outrage are only exposing themselves for the hypocrites they are. I'll remember them in November.
This is only a start, but a start it is.
greetings from mumbai
namaste /\
In 1987 I gave a presentation in a college class about the USA being the only developed nation without nationalised Healthcare for all!
Over 20 years later, n the progress made this week is highly feared as the start of socialism bn death of Democracy-
They know it needs work n will keep after it until it's right-
So few are applauding the change- Good for you!
what a nice way to post a historic subject
Come November what must be remembered is the past years worth of obstruction, lies and spit.
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