Aloha Friday, Friend!
click the photos please
"Arriving at one goal
is the starting point
to another."
John Dewey
wait a minute! Look a little closer. . .
"Anger, if not restrained,
is frequently more hurtful to us
than the injury that provokes it."
"Give me a place to stand
and I will
move the world."
Scientists report that Hawaii is one of the least dusty places on Earth.
(Of course, they haven't seen below decks on our live-aboard boat.)
But recently I discovered
that some of our forests
are fertilized by blown-in dust from elsewhere.
Even some kinds of sea life
are aided by dust
that fertilizes the ocean.
There is an epic panorama
in every shaft of light. . .
because of the graceful processions of
Glorious dust!
And you can write your name in it!
Perhaps Shay will write a brilliantly irreverent poem
involving fairy Dust.
Today we celebrate the dust
with which
we will dance again!
At least that's what I'm telling myself
about the dust growing on the book shelf.
ALOHA, cloudia
I love the romance and whimsy of this post - and to think you did it all with dust!
I made Huli Huli chicken here in Washington State. As I put it on the table I said to Amoeba, "Here. Huli Huli chicken, but it won't taste right."
Amoeba, serving our plates, paused and looked at the chicken. Then he looked at me and queried, "Why not?"
I said, "I didn't have any read Hawaiian parking lot dust to put on it."
'Celebrate the dust' - Give me parties over chores any day!
Maybe we should move DC to Oahu....they need to get rid of some of their dusty thinking and chill in the breeze some.
Wonderful sky, Cloudia !
I go once more when google translating wants to work.
Aloha !
so true about the anger part.
that first pic is just briliant. i miss th lizards from when we lived in FL. i hope you have a marvelous weekend.
Dust Musings! Way to go, gone with the dust kind of spirit. Wind and dust make for excitement. Happy weekend ahead.
BTW, you need to do a post about living on a boat!
The King of the Forest could feed on Dust Mites. And fro the way it sounds it should be:
DUST MIGHT! Powerful stuff- Dust Bunnies!
Reminds me of tinkerbell ...haa,i am watching too much of reruns of Peterpan with my son.Great post Cloudia !have a great weekend.Aloha !
Aloha Cloudia! Thanks for your quotes and photos!
Great photos, and what a sunset.
And speaking of dust, where I work the warehouse is absolutely coated in the stuff...
I raise my [unused] dust cloth to these words and your amazing ability to get right to the heart--mine.
Happy weekend, my friend.
cute li'l feller :)
Ditto what Stan Ski said!
That first pic is just breathtaking!
I like lizards... they have an ugly-cute way about them. We don't have them here, but there's plenty of dust to spare.
waht a pictures great lo how r u
I like your choice of quotes. Sometimes the wisdom in notable phrases reminds me of what I have often forgotten.
And I'm glad to have found your site!
Check out the Snake Video they found at a water treatment plant near my home town in Fla. Must've been a pet that got loose.
(small nod)
just beware of legs of the trip that seem to boar, cause that's when the urge to dip cigars in the liquid angelic dust are aroused.
Smoking such is considered to be a terrible crutch anole lee leads to straight jackets that bind up ones mind.
Just as it was said once up on a long long ago time. There is nothing as serious as a joke that has reason but is lacking in cadence and rhyme
Aloha Cloudia
from Howlie *ing* Sun (howling son)
or how reason *ing* with dust can be futile. He either gets it, or pretends he doesn't or temporarily forgets which one it was all together.
either way, acting classes and or obedience training would be in order (in absence of a script to the play)
know what I'm shaying?
Unfortunately, I have bad allergies, so I cannot dance with my dust. What a fun life you lead, Cloudia!
That gecko was sure going a great job of blending in .. good catch, Cloud! Aloha from NYC xo
Gorgeous sunset,but that lizard looks a little scary! Once I discovered Swifter dusters, dust as not been a problem in my home. Happy Friday, cher! Aloha!
At least you have an excuse for the dust in your home. :)
A man's old becomes longer at Hawai
my friend...happy weekend with best
The sun brightness is a warm impression...
Thank you for showing a sign of beautiful spring.
Happy weekend.
From the Far East.
Best regards.
love the dust story.
and that lizard is a wonderful find.
So small and light
one can't ever avoid
to obtain its present -
thoughts of comfort,
traces of life, fragile
like dust.
Please have a wonderful weekend.
Aloha Cloudia,
We have lizards similar to the one in the photo here (the one in the photo looks like the Brown Anoles that we have here, also called Cuban Brown Anoles, which are about about 5 to 8 inches long), as well as geckos, American chameleons (also called Green Anoles, a few skinks (here is one type of skink we have here), etc.
When I lived in Miami, we had what we called "Cuban lizards" which were aggressive and would attack you. Various accounts say they grow to be 13" to 20", so are almost the size of an iguana.
They are called the Western Knight Anole (also here
We also have a lot of pollen in the air here, which is not good for those with allergies.
I hope things are going well in Hawaii.
Apparently, a Cuban lizard in Miami took out a power station. The article is humorous but apparently based on a factual event.
I also saw where they had a recent freeze in Miami, and some of the lizards died and started falling out of the trees, stiff as a board.
They are also having a problem with 6-foot-long Nile Monitor lizards (remember that one type of Monitor lizard is the Komodo Dragon) in the Florida Everglades, and also on air strips in Homestead, FL (near Miami), which cause a problem for planes landing.
Aloha friend! Good shots!
What a bounty of amazing comments today. Thank YOU!
Of course, I love the lizard post the best!
that was inspiring!
namaste /\
Aloha! Whoa magic of the sun like an aura in full radiance. Real beauty..Anger is one word short of a 'D' tQ
got your mail i mvery happy to hear u,
ur blog is veryvery good to read and watch.
dinesh chandra
sorry Cloudia,
I should think before I type, I say stupid things all the time and I was only joking around, not trying to rile people. I am way over sensitive at times too. So I hope none of your readers took my foolish words the wrong way.
they need to get rid of some of their dusty thinking and chill in the breeze some.
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