Aloha, FRIEND!
Click on the photos, eh?
Click on the photos, eh?
"There is nothing new under the sun,
but there are lots of old things we don't know,"
Ambrose Bierce
but there are lots of old things we don't know,"
Ambrose Bierce
"Don't go on discussing
what a good person should be.
Just be one."
Marcus Aurelius
what a good person should be.
Just be one."
Marcus Aurelius
can be a daring life as well.
For all serious daring
starts from within."
Eudora Welty
In our culture we equate 'abundance' with finances.
But as I gain a broader understanding ,
truly begin to live, and to appreciate,
the abundance that is already in my own life,
the more I notice my attitudes about this changing.
I am starting to notice
and experience
all of my previously unappreciated abundance.
And it really has little
to do with money.
to do with money.
Instead of focusing on perceived 'lacks'
as we so often do
as we so often do
I have come to value,
and to celebrate,
and to celebrate,
the gifts that are already in my life.
GRATITUDE is bubbling up!
And living with gratitude
begins to change
attitudes and perceptions.
So that life blossoms into a gift,
no longer a problem to solve,
or a job to accomplish.
A L O H A, cloudia
awards for poetry,
check it out!
very impressive post,
love ocean views and more...
thank you for the timeless fun!
I went to statue of liberty in New York city when I lived in Princeton,
you added some humor on it,
creative and fun!
ha! the dog's office, not yours! hello, Cloudia.
Well, I needed that this morning as I face a rascally principal over some misbehaving young ladies.
Life is a gift. It's all good. It's all learning. All we have to do is open our eyes and arms.
Gratitude has changed my life, so I whole-heartedly agree with your words!
exactly, no money can buy good friends or family :)
btw - tried befriending you in facebook again, message was i already sent the request... no reply
Even a problem counts on the abundance side of the ledger for if there were no problems left to solve there would be no growth in understanding to add tot he abundance.
Lovely sentiments and photos as always, Cloudia.
Noticing previous unnoticed abundances...WOW...i loved it.Aloha Cloudia.
Wise words on this rainy day.
My soul sister Emily Dickinson would agree with you about the sheltered life.
Your office mate looks as if you disturbed his nap time!
Hello from Ankara my dear friend!
Love that Bierce quote. So true.
Everything that you say or do is beautiful. What a marvelous human being you are...G
Nice pictures.... particularly the office picture
dietrich deitrick
pump kin
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68 ing courage a way
along came out sighter
knelt down be sighter
and liked at the mound
all gawd damned day
How relaxing.
I needed a break !
Love the abundance that is budding and blossoming. The dog under the desk is priceless :)
liked your images and your words. lyndax
I was counting my blessings as I read your post. Good to do that and be grateful for the riches we have and I don't mean the coin kind.
hi good office with good post.
Dinesh Chandra
Yeah, the dog's office...I don't have an office :)
Thanks for stopping by today!
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