ALOHA, Friend!
You should have been here last night:
The large and mixed crowd began filing into the roofed,
but open-air stadium
hours before the event was to begin.
Hilo Bay could be seen glittering in the distance.
But it was not a Kona golden sunset,
that's the other side of the Big Island of Hawaii,
no, this was rainy, jungle town, east side Hilo.
But soon this sleepy place would hold the eyes
of the world.
Google shows that newspapers as far away as the UK
are carrying the story:
Mahealani Mika Hirao-Solem
has been crowned Miss Aloha Hula for 2010.
That's what Thursday night,
opening night at the festival,
is all about.
Tonight is my favourite night:
Kahiko, or ancient Hula.
Excitement mounts,
as do the chicken skin bumps
on the arms of viewers
in person, on TV, and via the Web.
The beat of the Pahu
(large shark-skin covered drum)
rings out.
A chant is heard.
A procession of male dancers
clad in malo (loincloth)
in greenery,
tribal tattoos,
and proud expressions,
take the stage as one
like a military unit.
After the proper moment of silence
they begin their chant.
Winds and skies and tiny beings,
leaves and rocks, waters
and ancient ones
all listen
and pay heed.
As one they begin
with force!
(courtesy of Paradise Cove)
The women fans,
and a good deal of the men,
yell and squeal with a primal delight.
And the women dancers!
Their power, beauty, and embodied sacredness!
They defy words
except perhaps ancient ones
such as we bathe our souls in
Hoo! Good, yeah?
Yeah, I like Kahiko night the best.
Saturday is Auana, or modern Hula
as danced since the monarchy era.
The women sway as you are familiar with
the men wear pants,
they all wear quite a lot actually (missionary times)
and smile beautifully.
These men are not effeminate,
quite the opposite in fact.
It has taken some growth
since the "Hula is for girls,
and football for boys"
times of the 50's.
I guess I'm rambling.
I'll be in something of a Hawaiian fog
for the rest of the weekend;
Staying up late,
knowing a little,
but feeling a lot of appreciation,
and joy.
On Saturday night
as the judges tally the final scores
(after midnight usually)
a pandemonium of exhaustion and joy breaks out.
the musicians play,
the stadium buzzes.
Halau (hula schools/familes) that have competed
sit together and laugh.
The cameras sweep the place,
settling on great faces
young & old,
and visitor.
This is the time when the
Kumu (sources/teachers of the Halau)
most always get up spontaneously
and dance,
each their own form,
yet all at the same time,
on the giant wooden stage.
Everyone is giddy.
This year is the first
that Uncle George Naope
will not be here
to get up and dance his
(mischievous, funny, borderline)
And the entire Hula world feels that loss
Aunty Dottie,
festival founder and longtime head,
is now watching from the world beyond too.
This year is for them,
and for respected Kumu Hula
Rae Fonseca
who also passed recently.
(story HERE)
And yet the heart of Hula,
of the Hawaiian people,
and all who love this people
and culture
is beating stronger than ever.
So do check out the previous post about the festival
(Here) and below.
I should be back to baking
metaphysical muffins
and posting photos
of Waikiki again
I have tried to embed videos below
but am not sure they loaded right.
So check out the website HERE
Mahealani Mika Hirao-Solem,
The 2010 Merrie Monarch Festival: Television and Live Stream Schedule
Watch the 2010 Merrie Monarch Festival in high-definition in Hawaii on KFVE or from anywhere in the world via live streaming on! All times are Hawaiian Standard Time. (Midnight in New York City, is 6pm HST)
Thursday, April 8: 6:00 PM to 12:00 AM
Women compete for the coveted title of "Miss Aloha Hula"
Friday, April 9: 6:00 PM to 11:30 PM
Hula Kahiko: Halau perform ancient style dances
Saturday, April 10: 6:00 PM to 12:30 AM
Hula Auana and Awards presentation: Halau perform modern style dances and the winning halau are announced after the final performance.
Video clips of all performances will be available the day after the performance.
Warm Aloha From Hawaii! cloudia
another kind of beauty and fun,
Happy Friday!
Wow! This is quite a coverage! Thank you for this information. Havenly.
Thanks for giving us this peekshow into paradise!! Love the military male hula!
Nice! I can picture it thank you Cloudia!
This sounds like so much fun!
It's a beautiful dance, isn't it?
Looks like great and joyous fun! Wish I could be there.
No, those men do NOT appear to be effeminate! :)
It's a great fun.
Happy weekend!
Aloha from Türkiye my friend!
You must be indeed living close to paradise.
Please have you all a wonderful weekend.
Aloha, Cloudia, thank you for sharing.
that was brilliant!
namaste /\ from mumbai
I haven't been to Hilo in years. Met a new blog friend who lives there, so maybe we will get together for lunch. Enjoy the hula, CC!
Excellent photo of the dancers, Beautiful men!!!
I love Hawaïan dances and songs.
ALOHA Dear Friend !
wow what a paradise you have over there!
Thanks for sharing!
Aloha from Casablanca!
Not quite as fast paced as hockey but the players certainly are easier on the eyes.
tQ for sharing the Hula Heaven & congratz to Mahealani Mika Hirao-Solem. Aloha
Hi Cloudie !! This seems to be as perfect as a festival !! Everything is so lively !! i enjoyed it through your blog !!
So fantastic and lovely !! Wish i could be there !!
"Excitement mounts,
as do the chicken skin bumps
on the arms of viewers!!!!!" Yes!!!!!
If anyone who ever played football (I did) would KILL to have the bodies and athleticism of those dancers!!!!
Powerful Post My Friend! Bless you for sharing such powerful pics, and WORDS!!!!
Ah Cloudia.. you had me at "male dancers clad in malo" ;)
Lovely post.
a positive riot of fun and festivities.
You will be quite exhausted at the end of it. Will you show us a photograph of you partaking in the frolics?
Aloha and see you when you're recovered.
What terrific photos and commentary, you really make it all come alive.
Happy Sunday!
lovely events post,
I feel like there with you.
I think even I would "squeal with primal delight." Look at those guys!
It's a so beautiful dance!
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