Saturday, July 10, 2010

Aloha, M'Dear!

Click on three photos and win your fantasy

"Education is what remains
after one has forgotten everything
he has learned in school."


Camping it up

"Camping is nature's way
of promoting the motel business."

Dave Barry

Homeless in Honolulu

"Reality is just a crutch
for those who can't handle

Robin Williams

Tough customers

"Failure is not the only punishment for laziness;
there is also the success of others."

Jules Renard


Economists parse their pipe dreams

"Leaders" lead apace

but somehow the system keeps running

over the long-suffering human race.

Mine is Mine

sacred principle to those who write the rules

'But share a decent portion!'

cry the system's "fools."

And what is life


if not zeroes on a page?

I've got my near utopia;

yours must wait another age.

While the "wise ones" peddle their pipe dreams

pray don't disturb the sleep

of the rapacious that like it that way

their "too much"

so pleasing to keep.



Lisa said...

I feel slightly wiser today. Thank you my friend. And the pictures are awesome.

the walking man said...

We have come to the point where enough is never enough. We now live, through the privation and decimation of the middle class, in a "give me more" society that has every individual looking out for themselves.

I find it odd that when times get tough charity is the first thing to fly off the landscape.

Dave King said...

That Einstein again! He knew more than just relativity, didn 't he?

Fireblossom said...

At my favorite coney the other morning, there were three moneyman types in a nearby booth, in their perfect starched white shirts. Their leader had one of those voices that was impossible to block out, even though he wasn't talking that loudly. He expounded for half an hour (and for who knows how long before I got there) about the market and money and investments, while his two sycophants lapped it up and bowed to the east. It was clear this guy saw EVERYTHING in terms of money. I never wished so much that someone would shut up already. I talked to the waitress after they left, and she said they were also really good at ignoring her when she came over.

If you can't enjoy a good coney dog and some company, what good is a pile of money going to do you?

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

I hate homelessnes!

Charles Gramlich said...

Yeah, Mark hit it. Sad but true.

Teresa said...

Excellent post. I loved the Mark Twain quote and your poetry at the end.

SandyCarlson said...

Well said. Which makes me think we darn well better keep BP out of Alaska!

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

Stunning blue sky. More clear than in the Vancouver area it seems.

'"Education is what remains
after one has forgotten everything
he has learned in school."


Some truth to that.

Hopefully I will remember some of the material after four degrees.

Happy Weekend, Cloudia.

Anonymous said...

Impressive writing. Thank you for keeping me awake. Please have a great Sunday.

daily athens

Anonymous said...



Kay said...

These photos are really striking, Cloudia. The colors are so incredible. I wish there was a magic cure for homelessness. It is such a sad thing in these islands.

The Grandpa said...

Aloha, Cloudia. Thanks for the poem. I enjoyed it. And DAve BArry always gets it right.

Trotter said...

Hi Cloudia! No comment section on the most recent post? Anyhow, nice song...
Also loved to see the post on William Richardson!!

Meanwhile, as I’m in the office, Blogtrotter Two is on the beach... Enjoy and have a great week!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

vote for

short stories,

thank you.

Cloudia said...

thank you-

Snaggle Tooth said...

Amazing color in that first pic!

Our own race created society- n yet we need protection from it!

I really should read more Einstien quotes