here in urban Honolulu.
"All of us are guinea pigs in the laboratory of God.
Humanity is just a work in progress."
Tennessee Williams
"The pigs stuck out their little feet and snored."
Elizabeth Bishop
that I was just a baby in soft focus!
"Pigs are not that dirty.
And they're smart,
strange little creatures.
They just need love."
Shelley Duvall
"It's no good running a pig farm badly for 30 years while saying,
'Really, I was meant to be a ballet dancer.'
By then, pigs will be your style."
Quentin Crisp
Many visitors to Hawaii learn about Madame Pele,
the Volcano goddess
(or Tutu/Grandma as Big Island native Hawaiians may call her)
When you watch her erupt in the lava
awesome power is on display,
but one guy who proved a more than a match for Pele
was demi-god Kamapua'a.
He was a powerful, earthy Hog-type who hid the bristles
that grew down his back under a dashing cape.
He and Pele were at odds from the beginning;
She covered the land with barren lava,
he brought torrents of rain to extinguish her fires
and called the wild boars to dig up the land,
softening it so seeds could grow.
In the district of Puna,
on the Big Island called Hawaii,
at a place called Ka-lua-o-Pele,
the land is torn and ravaged to this day
because a great struggle once took place there.
According to legend, it was there that Kamapua'a
finally caught up with Pele and ravaged her.
Out of their tempestuous love (it is said) a child was born,
before Kamapua'a sailed away
and Pele went back to her earth-shaping ways.
Priscilla does not mean to imply
that she is related to any Hawaiian gods. *
*Porcine attorneys Root, Root, and Squeal insisted on the above statement.
the Volcano goddess
(or Tutu/Grandma as Big Island native Hawaiians may call her)
When you watch her erupt in the lava
awesome power is on display,
but one guy who proved a more than a match for Pele
was demi-god Kamapua'a.
He was a powerful, earthy Hog-type who hid the bristles
that grew down his back under a dashing cape.
He and Pele were at odds from the beginning;
She covered the land with barren lava,
he brought torrents of rain to extinguish her fires
and called the wild boars to dig up the land,
softening it so seeds could grow.
In the district of Puna,
on the Big Island called Hawaii,
at a place called Ka-lua-o-Pele,
the land is torn and ravaged to this day
because a great struggle once took place there.
According to legend, it was there that Kamapua'a
finally caught up with Pele and ravaged her.
Out of their tempestuous love (it is said) a child was born,
before Kamapua'a sailed away
and Pele went back to her earth-shaping ways.
Priscilla does not mean to imply
that she is related to any Hawaiian gods. *
*Porcine attorneys Root, Root, and Squeal insisted on the above statement.
Oh Gosh -- this legend is too dramatic. I knew about Pele. I didn't know about the guy putting out the fires. Does this begin the connection between luaus and the roasted pigs? Did Priscilla get a manicure for her latest photo shoot? (I'm not a "pigs-xpert" but I thought they needing routine trimming like horses.) DrumMajor
Priscilla has been manicured; thanks for lingering over her photo *she says)
are you sure she is not related...smiles. nice legend...very cool. and nice pics...
Awesome post! And pictures! And pig! Alo-o-o-HA!
namaste /\ from mumbai
I love Priscilla! She is so cute.
Priscilla is so cute and I love her wardrobe! Cool post! Aloha, cher!
The Porcine Princess indeed...
Hi Cloudia.....G
Good post with nice images, Cloudia!
I've missed you! Macon Bacon. Pigs are the coolest---that's what Arnold told me anyway!
Aloha friend!
G' Day From Australia, in other words Pele and this Demi-God Kamapua'a were makin' bacon.
Seems that you have stunning views from your penthouse! Wow!!
Greetings from New York.
I hear they make wonderful pets!
Fabulous quotes and adorable pets!
Oh Priscilla is quite the blogger!
Aw... I have always loved pigs. I had a friend who had a pet pig, and whenever the mailman put the mail through the mail slot in the door, her pet pig would pick up the envelopes and take them to my friend, just like a little dog.
Maybe Priscilla needs her own blog site. I'd read it.
Great legend, pictures, everything.
I saw the cutest little mini pig on a youtube video the other day. Made me want one.
...and piggies are very social ;)
What a cute little Qink Qink ballerina..tQ
Those pig shots are delightful! Great legend!
Love that law firm!
Hola, Cloudia,
Pricilla is a princess amongst pigs. :)
Priscilla is at the spa today and wanted me to thank EACH of you!
Must be a wonderful friend. Please have you all a good Friday.
You too, pal!
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