Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Aloft by Millions

A l o h a !
click on the pics

"Give me a pen
and a place to write
and I can move the world."

 (with apologies to Archimedes)

"I knew that someday
with luck
I'd be 50 -
but I never really believed it."

How many megapixels are YOU shooting? Tell me in comments.

The President should be landing here on Oahu today.
Kayakers near his (rented) Kailua home are already respecting an enforced exclusion zone
that encroaches on their usual routes.

"That's OK. We like him."
 One paddler told the TV news.

Like most Hawaii residents, Barry's parents and grandparents lived in
rentals and apartments - not a family compound like the Kennedys and the Bushs.

At this time of year ancient kings closed the passes over the mountains.

Energy is low around solstice time,
and they were wise enough to know that it was time to nurture
the waning light,
time to feed the incipient coals
so that light may rise again.

Nurture YOUR little flame-
perhaps by seeing it as one
in a sea of candles
held aloft by millions of people
like you
and like me.

We are the sparks of tomorrow.
Never forget to pass your wise kindness
on the those needing it.

Would you rather live with a tiger in the house
or a rabbit?

The year of the tiger is winding down.
The gentle rabbit is on her way.

You and I-
we've seen it many times before.

So remember to take time
to waste time-
that's sometimes the wisest investment
you can make.

Thanks for spending some time and attention
with us!

What small secret pleasure do you enjoy this time of year?

And how many Mega Pixels do YOU shoot?

Fondly, cloudia


Rosaria Williams said...

Aloha! Love that first quote, C. Enjoy the sun for us.

Hilary said...

Love that beautiful green fern.

15MP for me

Windsmoke. said...

Like the first quote and the shot of the fern. It must be pretty busy now the President is arriving lots of strange people around.

Bitch said...

Give me a pen and a comment to
Love that sunset with the clouds!

Happy Christmas, Cloudia!

Greetings from Athens.

Anonymous said...

'The pen is mightier than any sword.'

So far it is ten MP for me, yet saving money for almost two years now, to get me a better camera. Please have a wonderful Thursday.

daily athens

DeniseinVA said...

Lovely! My secret pleasure at this time of the year? A nice cup of hot chocolate to ward off the chill, though have to say it's not so secret in my house ;)

Cloudia said...


I'm not surprised that Hilary shoots
15MP. Her pics are amazing. Check her out today.

Thanks for stopping by

Commander Zaius said...

"I knew that someday
with luck
I'd be 50 -
but I never really believed it."

Stealing from Buffett again but I hold to the idea that I maybe getting older but I refuse to grow up.

magiceye said...

loved the post!
I shoot 7mp/10mp/12mp :)

namaste /\ from mumbai

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

Is a blog mightier than a sword?;)

Best of the season.

Marguerite said...

Great pics and quotes! Would much rather live with a rabbit than a tiger and I've lived with both! lol My secret pleasure is sipping an Ultimate Eggnog in the hot tub! Happy Holidays, cher!

claude said...

With my keyboard I can to write you
Thanks you for your beautifuls photos and quotes.

Cloudy said...

Let the stars guide you to your ways, the angels accompany you and protect ...

Merry Christmas from Germany

the walking man said...

Secret for surviving the holidays is taking none of it with any seriousness.

I personally think they entire Legislative and administrative branch did nothing to earn a vacation and all of them should have stayed in session until the change over on January 5 there are still 400 bills passed by the house that now have to start the process all over again and hundreds of federal appointments by the president that need confirmation.

They took the past two years off why the hell should they take more of the peoples money for doing nothing?

Rick Watson said...

Hey Claudia, I turn 60 in January. As they say, if I'd realized I would live this long, I would have taken better care of myself :)
Nice blog.

Ash said...

Happy Christmas to you and your loved ones!

Akelamalu said...

Happy Christmas to you m'dear x

Charles Gramlich said...

Time to nurture the waning light. I like that a lot.

Dianne said...

I think I'm shooting 10, the camera is too far away for me to check right now ;)

love the photos and the quotes

say hi to Barry for me

Friko said...

Merry Christmas to you, dear friend on the other side of the world.

Anonymous said...

What glorious photos!

Peace and joy over the holiday season to you and yours.

Full-On-Forward said...

6 mega pix---but I want to go BIG!!! 10- or 12! snicker.....

Enjoy the Warm, as Winter just started officially Tuesday--funny--we set records all through November! I like the Hawaiian lifestyle of embracing whatever the Gods give you!

Ps: Can you see California from your back yard! Wicked weather from your Pineapple!!!


Out on the prairie said...

9.1 on my newest.I shoot lots however, no touch ups. I like Barry coming from a real home where one doesn't need and intercom to communicate.

Snaggle Tooth said...

Amazingly all my pics are still on a 5 megapixel Kodak bought used on craigslist for 50 bux!

I asked a professional what they were using for wedding pics, n she had a 22 megapixel! 4k bux for that baby cam! Yikes, that would eat up tons of memory, n crash my hard drive right out! (But I DO want one!)

Shaista said...

Oh Cloudia, so lovely to read nice things about President Obama, and know his worth is truly appreciated in Oahu!
Merry Christmas dear light, thankyou for shining in constance for us all. I loved what you wrote about the year of the tiger winding down... I hadn't even thought about next year... but now that you say a rabbit is on its way, it makes me smile. I think it will all be alright :)

Anonymous said...

Very simple to comprehend details. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for giving out these kinds of very helpful information. Congrats upon being an amazing blogger.