Friday, September 2, 2011

Long Boy Sky

A  L  O  H  A !

Click on these clouds
“ The greatest revolution of our generation
is the discovery that human beings,
 by changing the inner attitudes of their minds,
can change the outer aspects of their lives. ”

 William James 
  born: January 11, 1842

Little Tall Man
“Fiction reveals truth
that reality obscures.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

" One can acquire everything in solitude
except character. "


 > < } } ( ° >

Are soil
and September
really less promising,
less pungent,
then they used to be?

Does each new generation
get a fresh sky
full of stars?

A future 
bursting with
possible dreams?

I'd like to think so.

Is it just my senses
that seem blunted,
less hungry
with the years?

As vanity recedes
with outward beauty
love for ALL our children
flows in 
to fill
that space. . . 

. . . Like waves rushing in
here at Waikiki.

Do you smell the seasonal change

tell us in comments!
warmly, cloudia


Hilary said...


Freda said...

I smell the cool rush of air into my lungs and the dampness in my nose. Autumn

Anonymous said...

It's not fall in Hawaii, yet. September is the hottest month of the year, so summer is still here.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Yes Cloudia - here it is Autumn - there is the smell of bonfires as gardeners burn their garden rubbish, the leaves are changing colour and the nights are getting cooler.

Lynn said...

In subtle ways, I guess. Love that little boy buried in the sand. :)

Jeannie said...

Fall is definitely hitting us! Leaves are changing. The air is cooler. It's getting wetter. It smells different. It's so sad. I don't know why so many of us live here who hate winter and dread its coming.

Teresa said...

Evenings and mornings are cooler, but the days are still really warm.

Joop Zand said...

Very good Cloudia.... i like them.

Greetings, Joop

Erika said...

In my city it's very warm in September and we can still go to the seaside.
Aloha, Cloudia; from Italy!

Anonymous said...

nice post

lj, NYC

dr.antony said...

Hi Claudia,
After so long!
I loved the little tall man.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Very nice!!

Anonymous said...

My son went to school for his first time. Yes, feels as if there's more to change than just this season.

Please have you all a good weekend.

daily athens

Windsmoke. said...

I feel the seasonal change because its spring time and its getting warmer by the day summer is just around the corner. Little tall man gets my vote :-).

Elephant's Child said...

Spring is rapidly approaching here. The days are warmer and longer, and everwhere things are bursting from the ground.

As always I love your cloud shots. Thanks.

ayala said...


Fireblossom said...

I like the quote about fiction. So true.

Kavita Saharia said...

Little tall man ...muaah ! Aloha Clodia !

Betty Manousos said...

Exceptional photos and quotes as usual.


21 Wits said...

Not yet thankfully! Summer is still very much living right here for the moment. Writing September, and seeing it is my only change so far....I plan on squeezing every single bit of all that summer has yet to offer, and enjoy all of it!

Birdman said...

No! I'm not smelling. Got to hold on to our summer as long as possible. Winters too LONG, too COLD!

the walking man said...

HA! Detroit hit 100 degrees yesterday and it was GLORIOUS. We'd been playing in the 90's but no not on any level do I smell a change of season yet.

Not until this generation of greedy power brokers is dead will the seasons even have a chance to change.

Trinity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeniseinVA said...

It is 10.40 a.m. here and I hear the thunder in the distance. We in for some rain I think. Yes I feel the Autumn on its way, the evenings have that wonderfully cool feel to them.

Commander Zaius said...

Is it just my senses that seem blunted,less hungry with the years?

Can't speak for anyone but myself and frankly I'm just tired of all the BS associated with modern life. I think it is the same with each generation but I believe civilization is hitting new highs in being low.

Charles Gramlich said...

I don't know about seasonal change. the tropical storm we're getting now is related to the gathering heat of summer, which we'll have with us a while longer.


I just love this !!! Heavely as ever

Anonymous said...

What glorious clouds and lovely quotes! Autumn is coming here...

Haddock said...

That beach looks inviting.
Like the little tall man.

Cheryl said...

I've been smelling it for weeks. It starts about the 2nd week of August here making our summer incredibly short and ever so sweet.

Magia da Inês said...

º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.
Muito lindo!
Amei a foto do céu.

º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.

eric1313 said...

I just hope that the change that is coming hurts a little less than it has in the past. For me, and for those who have felt too much pain touch their lives. In our nation and abroad.

Cloudia said...

Thank YOU!

Brian Miller said...

ah yes i smell the season change...though it has been terribly humid the last couple days so i am probably smelling sweat....ew...

aloha from va!

Rudolph Aspirant said...

Being less than a year in Norway, I have already sensed one time a previously totally unknown air smell for me at the beginning of June, right before the weather changed from cool to warmer...I tried to identify it but could not find any memories that could remind me of what it could be similar to.

Before SW Norway (where, because of the Gulf Stream's influence on the coastline, they seem to have have mild winters, fiercefully windy though at times, and blandly coolish wet summers), I used to live in a 4 season place, where one could identify by smell when it was going to start getting cold & snowy, or when autumn approached, or when will the trees bloom with spring flowers.

I am also familiar with the smells of spring & fall in Auckland, New Zealand, of the US Southwest, and of Hawaii, of course.

But this new one I smelled in June in Norway, which also lasted only a couple of days before summer really arrived was totally NEW for me. It was pleasant, not very pungent, (I actually HATE strong smells !), it was a little humid, but also breezy with a gentle wind, but not the familiar zephyr (a spring-summer westerly wind of E. Europe), it wasn't "smoky", like imminent autumn air is sometimes, it wasn't flowery like the spring one, but it didn't have the smell of any of the seas I know either ! It was relaxing and playful in a way, somewhat immature, childish almost, if one can say that about the way the air smells ! Anyway, it made me think of childhood and playing in a very gentle, almost imperceptible rain. If I will get to smell it again I might recognize it, but I am afraid it will not come back until a year from now !

Rudolph Aspirant said...

P.S. I feel compulsively compelled to correct that it was in the beginning of July, not June, that that new summer smell came to me in SW Norway ! (In June it was HORRIBLY & FREEZINGLY COLD...worse than winter !)

P.P.S. Now that fall is almost here and I started to think about the way the air smells, I just suddenly felt pangs of yearning to sense that unmistakable New England end September-beginning October autumn smell once again !

Feisty Crone said...

There's a slight change in the air, especially at night, and it's getting darker a bit earlier every night.

Marguerite said...

Great post! After 3 days of rain, we are getting a cool front and will be going into the 50's, for lows this week. Very unusual for us, in September. Have a lovely week!

Cloudia said...

Thanks much!!!