Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ties-Downs and Trampolines

A L O H A !
People (From Broadway Musical) by Barbra Streisand on Grooveshark

" Do not trouble yourself much
 to get new things,
 whether clothes or friends.... 
Sell your clothes
 and keep your thoughts.  "

Henry David Thoreau

" Golden slumbers kiss your eyes, 
Smiles awake you when you rise. 
Sleep, pretty wantons, 
do not cry, 
 And I will sing a lullaby.”

 Thomas Dekker 

" And even if you were in some
 the walls of which let none of the sounds
 of the world come to your senses - 
would you not then still have
 your childhood, 
that precious, kingly possession,
 that treasure-house 
of memories? "

  Rainer Maria Rilke

" Everything has been figured out, 
except how to live. "

" Evil is . . . the ability of humans

 to make abstract
 that which is concrete. "

Jean-Paul Sartre

>< } } ( ° >

Life becomes SO much easier,
SO much more
when you LIKE
Other People.

there are homeless People,
and Families
who are on the street
through fate, bad luck,
bad breaks.

But for the most part,
homeless people
 have an inability
to get along with

Maybe they've been hurt,
strategically, deeply hurt.

Too many of us have been.

But what is different?

Why are we NOT
homeless and alone?

Perhaps it is as simple
as reaching out to another,
or allowing them
to reach us.

Once my world
was a harsh place,
people were annoying,

And life was exhausting.

But now, by some Grace,
I am among good people
every day.

Human nature
has not changed.

The world has not changed
but my world certainly has.

A social worker I knew
told me the story
of his homeless time.

One day as he begged,
a woman walking by
looked at him,
and said:
"You're a mess."

At that moment,
he realized
that he WAS
a mess.

He made the choice
to change it.

How is your world different
than it used to be?

Please join us in comments
(often the best part of this blog!)

Thank You
                         Warmly, cloudia


Pierre BOYER said...

Marvelous colored sky...
But lonely homeless............


Shrinky said...

Leaving London, and all the overcrowded stresses, unloading all the pressure of what had become an unending work schedule, and moving to this sleepy isle - where everyone knows everyone, taking time to stop and say "Hi, how are you today?", has helped smooth my harsh temperament, and instill far more tolerance and peace in my heart.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Just generally by mellowing as I've gotten older, realizing that the world won't come to an end if I can write my name in the dust on the sideboard, dust never killed anyone haha! and definitely by becoming more tolerant and by letting things that aren't important zippp over the top!!

Lynn said...

I'm much more peaceful and serene than I used to be.

Stefano Davanzo said...

Hi Cloudia Wonderful sky, I love your islands... so sad for the homeless it's hard situation also here in Europe


Birdman said...

Golden Slumbers? Beatles?

Charles Gramlich said...

I get along with folks, though I don't believe I have a natural talent for it. I'm a bit more of a loner than is probably good for me.

Jeannie said...

I've changed - I used to want to be part of the crowd, now I don't care.

Giga said...

U nas też niestety są bezdomni i jest ich coraz więcej. Straszny jest ich los szczególnie teraz , zimą. Wielu już zamarzło. Piękne zdjęcia chmur, to chyba dla tych co pod nimi żyją Pozdrawiam.*** We also, unfortunately, are homeless and there are more and more. Scary is their fate especially now that winter. Many have already frozen over. Beautiful pictures of clouds, it is probably for those who live under them Yours.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Thoreau always talks such a lot of sense.

21 Wits said...

Yes how wonderful it is when someone outside of your everyday life can stop you and tell you like it is....and it is then we truly listen...and are amazed just how easy it was to solve our woes...

Sandy said...

Thats funny I was just looking at Henry David Thoreau quotes yesterday. Interesting topic...

Windsmoke. said...

Its amazing how a few words can change your life :-).

Anonymous said...

Okay - the doggie is cute, but does it really need a rainjacket? In Hawaii? Wish some housing could be built for the homeless folks. DrumMajor

Elephant's Child said...

I find it sad and bad that people can look at the homeless or at people with mental illnesses and not think there but for the grace ...

Anonymous said...

Life got difficult through the last week, and there are indeed families at varios corners over here, I thought, I was tired, came and found your 'trampoline'.

Thank you.

daily athens photo

RONW said...

there is a definitive line between "homeless" people vrs. "houseless" people.

Cloudia said...

yes, Hawaii has mellowed me, shrinky.

Golden slumbers - yes! I thought the Beatles wrote that, but guess they were quoting !

Thanks to ALL of YOU, my visiting friends!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Something sad at the end but there is hope !

Hattie said...

The Sartre quote is exactly right.
And I am sure you know this one:
Blaise Pascal: “All of man’s misfortune comes from one thing, which is not knowing how to sit quietly in a room”

Kay said...

This is such an interesting post, Cloudia. Homelessness is such a difficult question. There are so many sad factors that come into play.

Why am I where I am? I have to give a large hunk of the credit to my husband who wants me to be happy. I wish everybody could find someone that they can love and be loved by. It doesn't have to be a husband; it can be a friend, a child, a neighbor, a parent. Loving... I think is what makes our lives meaningful.

Reader Wil said...

The heavens are like a fairy tale, but reality is not beautifully coloured. How can we help homeless people? They live mainly in big cities and are probably sick. It's depressing.

Cloudia said...

so happy to see you - thanks!

Armando Manrique Cerrato said...

Surfing the web I´ve discovered your blog and I hve to say CONGRATULATIONS! Good photos and stories. This poem is really good and you write about somethig we don´t think because is uncomfortable... Good reflection in beautiful words!
Greetings from Spain!

Roger said...

This is really a great blog with beautiful quotes.


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