A L O H A !
" A champion is someone who gets up
when he can't. "
Jack Dempsey
" The ability to read
awoke inside me
some long dormant
to be mentally alive. "
" An ant on the move
does more
than a dozing ox. "
Lao Tzu
> < } } ( ° >
A friend may confide
or you yourself may admit:
"I'm overwhelmed"
like it's a sin
or something.
My question to you:
" How could we
be overwhelmed?"
Being alive
is a full-time job
with plenty
of over-time.
The upkeep
of the body alone!
Food, shelter, clothing,
As Jerry Seinfeld says:
"If your body
was a car,
you wouldn't buy it!"
So re-frame
your expectations.
You are doing a good job!
We all surf
amazing forces
on both the tiny,
and the mega-level.
That sun
shining up there?
That's your
Gold Medal.
Well Done!
Thanks so much for visiting,
Your comments are valued
Warmly, cloudia
Dashing sunset !
I am always overweight but rarely overwhelmed.
I realised I actually do spend quite a bit of time being overwhelmed, but I'm definitely working on it!! Beautiful hibiscus and the sunset from your apartment gets better and better Cloudia!! AND as I'm typing this at 7.37pm it's RAINING outside hallelujah!!
We have no trouble being overwhelmed on our own....health, money, children etc. but then, you throw in the media and it can finish you off. Having a release is so important.
A good reminder not to be too hard on ourselves, thanks Cloudia.
Sunshine medal ! Aloha !
Happy February!
Lovely photos and a great selection of quotes. I saw “The Descendants” yesterday and loved the music. I am going to purchase the music score. I think it will be a good background for reading your book. You live in such a stunningly beautiful country.
Aloha Cloudia, it's a good thing your post is shining, because in my world right now, the medal is hiding somewhere...and the fog has moved in tighter! But we need a few days like that (they say) who are they anyway?....I don't need fog to make me appreciate the sunshine...silly they anway! That book in the tree, priceless! (I actually took a photo this year of a tree, reading a book...okay it was at an Elf production...but it was truly reading...ha ha! I may just have to post him, or would it be a her? Not sure... take care!
Excellent advise, we don't realize how much we are doing all the time. Dancing backwards in high heels, some of us!
Not me, I'm into comfy, low shoes & my favorite earrings.
Thank you Claudia. Your words are so motivating. Funny, lately I've felt a little overwhelmed, even with only little things to confront. Your words help me keep moving, like the little ant.
So beautiful words. I read a quote that said, "There is nothing that this living world will not demand of you." Life tests us everyday to see if we are up to the task. Some pass some fail. Cheers!!
Thank YOU!
What a stunning sunset shot, Cloudia!
I love the Dempsey quote. So very true.
Happy February!
A tree with a book pocket. For the bibliophile who has everything.
The sun in the sky is a shiny gold medal for everyone to enjoy :-).
Glorious sky, wonderful quirky tree (and book) shot and delightful hibiscus. Thank you.
I can feel the warmth radiating from that sunset!...:)JP
Thank you very much for this entry of yours.
Please have you all a good Thursday.
Really good bookend! The reader must've run off to see the sunset! Mahalo, DrumMajor
How awesome and timely is my friend with wisdom!!!
And the Book in the tree-- = Ultimate in recycling- LOL!
Hugs Sis,
I always feel better when I read your blog.
Cheers, sister!
SO happy to see each of YOU today!
Thanks SO much :-)
Well, today was an awful day, but this post motivated me and gave me that push that kept me going. Great blog!
namaste /\ from mumbai
Thank you for sharing!
I used to be overwhelmed alot - something changed and now I am way too underwhelmed. But for me that;s a good thing - a kind of equalibrium.
Nice to see a quote from Malcom X. He is one of my remarkable heros. After he went on his Haj and saw that his fellow followers of Islam came in all sizes and colors - it changed his life and he broke away from Elija Mohammed. What courage does it take to announce that all your perceptions about your own racism were unfounded and that your eyes and heart have been opened. Sadly, like all such people born with god's touch, he paid for that with his life -
So inspirational. Thank you!
Beautiful colors in the sunset and hibiscus. Thanks for the encouraging words. Aloha, Cloudia.
hee hee...
You and «Louis» both had golden-tone skies in your lead photos for Wednesday.
A bit of sunshine and very nice thoughts today.I am looking forward to a major snow this weekend.
..."Being alive is a full time job, with plenty of overtime."
Much love to you, dear Cloudia...beautiful pictures as usual...lovely words...
Nice quotes! And love the first picture! : )
Excellent quotes!
the first photo just caught my eye!
looks heavenly!
I like very much your sunset because in my town it's very cold and rainy and perhaps it's going to snow. I'm overwhelmed.
Ciao cara Cloudia!
that is one way to keep track of your book...smiles....and a nice reminder on how to treet ourselves...aloha from va
this ROCKS! thank you
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