Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lava Claims Last House

Jack lived here,
 the last one in the neighborhood, 
as lava flowed all around;
Walking 4 miles to the nearest road.
claimed his home 
and sent him packing 
for the last time:


Elephant's Child said...

I hope poor Jack has somewhere else to go.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Jack is OK ?

The Weaver of Grass said...

It must be interesting to live in an area where there are still volcanoes Cloudia.

Anne said...

My kids thought that was amazing watching the hot Lava coming down the road.
The Volcanoes are extinct over here in Australia.

I hope Jack is Ok.

RONW said...

For heavens sake, this story repeats itself every so many years. Why they built under a volcano to begin is something that I don't get. Oh, the land was cheap. Well it only takes a single flow in a span of 50 years to wipe you off the map.

Jeannie said...

They say he was staying at his "other home" so at least he's not having to start over with nothing. He seemed ok with what's happened. I suppose he might have expected it.

I guess the land it still's just a little blacker and higher now - and harder.

21 Wits said...

...proof we just never know what the day may bring....or take. Best of luck to Jack.

Anonymous said...

How sad, but amazing stuff flowing where it wants to go, all mad with fire. DrumMajor

Myrna R. said...

I feel sad for Jack. But at least he does have another home. (I thought I heard the announcer say.)

Not so easy letting go of our possessions.

Anonymous said...

It is said, that rare things tend to search for alike.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

That's so sad. Jack is a very strong man to have stayed so long, knowing the future of his home was uncertain.

RONW said...

the fireworks finale for the Honolulu Festival was spectacular. Saw it from the stairwell in my building due to tonight's drizzle.