Thursday, September 11, 2014

Through a Fence Brightly

A  L  O  H  A !
 Kimono Lady Waikiki

“Build a little fence of trust around today; 
Fill the space with loving deeds, 
And therein stay. -

- Look not through the sheltering bars 
Upon tomorrow; 
God will help thee bear what comes 
of joy and sorrow.”
                                     Mary F. Butts

" The real voyage 
of discovery
 consists not in 
seeing new landscapes 
but in having 
new eyes. "

Linking to Good Fences

Thank YOU,
                    warmly, cloudia


A said...

That last quote is so true.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

Lovely pictures of the kimono lady, Pixie, and the darkened sea. You have ab eye for color!

EG CameraGirl said...

The Proust quote is absolutely wonderful. I believe photography gives many of us "new eyes."

Myrna R. said...

A fence of trust is def needed. So hard to create it though, at least in world affairs.
Love the kitty. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Lovely shots and words.

Birdman said...

Now, that's one cute kitty

rupam sarma said...

So beautiful photos and post.
Greetings from Assam, India

Teresa said...

The quotes today are scrumptious. I like the fence with the bird and the lady, but I think I like the picture of Pixie best.

TexWisGirl said...

sweet dove watching over her. thanks, cloudia!

Charles Gramlich said...

New eyes, or at least a new mind behind it.

21 Wits said...

Aloha Cloudia, I do like the sound of that quote! Today, and everyday, is a great place to begin too.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Good quotes Cloudia. I think I may have been adopted by a stray pussy cat who looks just like Pixie :)

Lisa said...

It has been a while since I visited you and it just warms me up to be here.

I have found a new home at Tumblr, the address is on my profile, the comment system is Disqus which you have to click on the date at the bottom of the post for it to appear.

Lisa said...

Aloha Cloudia :)

Cloudia said...


Thanks EACH of YOU

Indrani said...

Very well taken pics.
Good quotes too.

Anonymous said...

Think that lady should be keeping an eye on the bird or she may have an addition to her outfit. Sinbad likes the kitty.

FilipBlog said...

It looks like a large ship.


Elephant's Child said...

Love your open eyes, heart, mind.

RedPat said...

Nice one!

William Kendall said...

I quite like that Proust quote. And Pixie's looking suitably regal and majestic.

Ruth Kelly said...

That bird looks very comfortable there on the fence.

Hilary said...

That sweet little Pixie always makes me smile.. as do you.

Cloudia said...

Yes, that is a very big freight ship.

Gosh each of your comments made me happy - Thank YOU so much

Adam said...

Mary in the quote has one of the worst surnames ever

Ida said...

The Kimono lady was really nice and the bird perched on the fence was a nice edition to the scene.