Monday, March 30, 2015

Hide in Plain Sight

A  L  O  H  A   from   Honolulu!
" God hides things
 by putting them
 all around us. " 
                           A. Nony Mouse

Linking to

" Great acts are
 made up of 
small deeds. " 
 Lao Tzu

Linking to

Thank You
for playing
Our Game!


Elephant's Child said...

Loving that mural - and that leaf.

Ingrid said...

Very nice mural and beautiful macro !

rupam sarma said...

Nice post, Beautiful clicks

Tom said...

What big teeth you have. Tom The Backroads Traveller

Birdman said...

Agree. It's the obvious that we miss.

SeaThreePeeO said...

Beautiful pictures.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

We need the time and patience to notice these everyday wonders. Have a good week, Cloudia!

Laura said...

Beautiful backlit leaves Cloudia!!! Thanks so much for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro ♥

Teresa said...

I love that mural, although I would be afraid to eat in the restaurant for fear that monster would gobble me up as I walked out with a nice, full belly. The leaves are gorgeous!

TexWisGirl said...

neat mural!!

RedPat said...

Love the quotes today and that great mural, Cloudia!

William Kendall said...

That's a formidable mural!

Mike said...

So many talented artists all over the place. I envy their ability to create such cool murals!

Cloudia said...

Thanks <3 Dears!

Halcyon said...

Nice color. Very springy!

Kay said...

Those murals are sure hidden from me because I've never seen so many of the murals you post. I'm trying to keep my eyes open. Have a great week, Cloudia.

kissed by an angel said...

Wow, I love all these wonderful Greens and shapes of the leaves!
Great picture!!!

Unknown said...

A fun mural and the leaf is so pretty.

Unknown said...

Wow, great mural!