Monday, April 6, 2015

Pour the Rainbow

A  L  O  H  A   from   Honolulu!
Click, OH CLICK on these photos
" Be thou
 the rainbow
 in the storms of life. 
The evening beam 
that smiles
 the clouds away, 
and tints tomorrow 
with prophetic ray. "
                      Lord Byron


The other day
a low, fat rainbow
was spilling itself
across the waters
outside of 
Honolulu Harbor.

in it's own 
riches & beauty
it tinted the ships,
the surf,
and the heart
of we who
L O O K.

Glad YOU
are one of
U S!
                   Fondly, cloudia

Linking to
Our World Tuesday


Teresa said...

What a totally gorgeous rainbow! Great shots, Cloudia.

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! Gorgeous photos and lovely quotes ~ You are blessed living there!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

Cloudia said...

Thanks, Sisters!

Meredith said...

A beautiful view! Honolulu is a magnificent place!

Elephant's Child said...

HOW I love your rainbows. Any rainbow. Every rainbow.

Jim said...

Great colours.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

A great rainbow!

Cloudia said...

Lovely of you to visit! Thanks

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

That is absolutely spectacular, Cloudia! I've never seen a rainbow like it!

CQUEK said...

Love the quotes

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I've only seen a low rainbow on the water like that one time in my life, and it was looking out of a hotel window down on the water in Waikiki. Really beautiful, and something I will never forget!

Anonymous said...

So magical!

Charlene N. K. said...

Amazing nature captured beautifully! I like that Byron quote, so inspiring!

Ingrid said...

Very beautiful landscape !

Cloudia said...

So glad you all could make it!

Tom said...

Wonderful! Aloha Tom The BAckroads Traveller

Joyful said...

Beautiful colour in that scene.

Fun60 said...

Looking at your photos who could fail to believe in the magic of rainbows?

Louisette said...

Gorgeous rainbow have a nice month april,
Greeting from Belgium

eileeninmd said...

Good Morning, Cloudia. Beautiful rainbows. They are a treat for the eyes.. Have a happy day!

William Kendall said...


Molly said...

Stunning image


Laura said...

I have never seen a rainbow across the water like this before… wow, absolutely magnificent!