Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Checking in with you all

Aloha dear friends! I have been down with vertigo. This is the first day in years I have published late. I didn't want to leave you all hanging. I will create a new post. I'm much better. Thank you for your love and concern. I really missed all of you! Have a beautiful day!


DrumMajor said...

Oh dear Cloudia, I hope you get better! Total bummer. (Did you catch it from Kay Musings?) Mahalo for the check-in; I was worried. Hugz, Linda in Kansas

RedPat said...

I'm glad that you posted a bit, Cloudia. A friend flew home from Hong Kong 10 days ago and has had horrible vertigo ever since.
There is a manipulation that you can do that involves rolling from each side for 30 seconds then change for another 30 seconds. Look it up on google. Another friend found that it really works. It repositions the crystals in your inner ear.
Be well.

Teresa said...

Hope you feel better, Cloudia. Thanks for sharing dim sum with us despite your illness. Love to you and Pixie.

Catalyst said...

Sorry about your bout with vertigo, Cloudia. I'm wondering if that big tree is a banyan. I'll bet it is. And the Look Funn Factory, what is in there? The food you show? It looks delish! Stay well, my friend.

Cloudia said...

That tree is a giant kapok tree! They are really huge. Look fun is noodles. And yes I believe that dim sum could be purchased there. Thank you for looking in on me. Friends means a lot especially today

Mike said...

Get well soon!

William Kendall said...

I had it once. It ran its course mostly by the time I went to a doctor, who said if it ever came back to go right to the doctor, as there are medicines.

Anvilcloud said...

I know 3 Hawaiian bloggers. One of the others also tends to suffer from vertigo. It's one of those coincidences of life.

Bill said...

I hope you feel better soon. I having key problems today.

Kay said...

Yup, Anvilcloud knows it's you and me. I wonder who else. My 96 year old aunt just told me a couple weeks ago that she had it 60 years ago and still takes a low dose meclizine when she feels vertigo coming.

I'm so relieved you're doing better. Please be careful.