32 minutes ago
Monday, December 31, 2018
Words and Feathers
A L O H A !
"The older I get
the more I try not to
waste my time on
negative energy."
Christine Baranski
Linking To
Monday Murals
“Life streamed through him
in splendid flood, glad and rampant,
until it seemed that it would
burst him asunder in sheer ecstasy and
pour forth generously over the world.”
Jack London
"Words and feathers are
carried away by the wind."
Mexican Proverb
"To go to heaven
in a featherbed."
Romanian Proverb
"The moon moves slowly,
but it crosses the town."
African Proverb
"The older I get
the more I try not to
waste my time on
negative energy."
Christine Baranski
Linking To
Monday Murals
Thank YOU
Fondly, cloudia
Excellent Advice,
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Blessing For You
A L O H A !
“May your smile brighten
the days ahead of you
May your cheer lighten up the
moods of everyone around you -
- May your face glow
with joy and happiness
May your laughter sparkle
with a lot more frequentness.”
Hrishikesh Agnihotri
“Oh soul,
you worry too much.
You have seen
your own strength.
You have seen
your own beauty.
You have seen
your golden wings.
Of anything less,
why do you worry?"
Dare it - I Swear It
Dare to look around.
THIS is the moment!
This the place!
Let it sink in:
You Are Exactly Perfect
in Time and in Space.
Here and Now.
This is Your Throne.
Dare to Live as Queen & King
Your Treasure & Your Sustenance
Abundant from Within.
Thank YOU
Warmly, cloudia
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Hawaii Photo Of The Day
Love and Thorns
A L O H A !
"For small creatures
such as we the vastness is
bearable only through love."
Carl Sagan
“Some people are like thorns.
But you have to let
them be thorns, because
thorns can't turn into petals.
The trick is not letting
them prick you!”
C. JoyBell C.
“The truth is like the sun.
You can shut it out
for a time, but it
ain't goin' away.”
Elvis Presley
Linking To
Thank YOU
Warmly, cloudia
Friday, December 28, 2018
Hawaii Photo Of The Day
Wisdom Is
A L O H A !
Honolulu Days
"Wisdom is making
a friend of a foe."
Scottish Proverb
Shell Ginger
"Many people who have
gold in the house
are looking for
copper outside."
Russian Proverb
Sonoma Calif Vista
"One day in
perfect health
is a lot."
Arab Proverb
Linking To
Thank YOU
Fondly, cloudia
Hawaii Flowers,
Northern California,
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Hawaii Photo Of The Day
California Autumn
A L O H A !
"Stress is an ignorant state.
It believes that everything
is an emergency.
Nothing is that important."
Natalie Goldberg
"God Himself, sir, does
not propose to judge a
man until his life is over.
Why should you and I?"
Samuel Johnson
"They may forget
what you said, but
they will never forget
how you made them feel."
Carl W. Buechner
Linking To
California sky,
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Hawaii Photo Of The Day
Good Boxing Day!
A L O H A !
"Birds sing after a storm;
why shouldn't people feel
as free to delight in
whatever sunlight
remains to them?"
Rose Kennedy
Oahu, East Side
"Do not blame God for
having created the tiger,
but thank him for
not giving it wings."
OAK, Marin, CA
"When the bee comes
to your house,
let her have beer;
you may want to visit
the bee’s house someday."
"December 26th, is Boxing Day,
a holiday celebrated in Britain,
Australia, New Zealand, Canada,
and other Commonwealth countries.
Boxing Day originated in England
in the middle of the nineteenth century
under Queen Victoria."
a holiday celebrated in Britain,
Australia, New Zealand, Canada,
and other Commonwealth countries.
Boxing Day originated in England
in the middle of the nineteenth century
under Queen Victoria."
History Of Boxing Day,
Paul Denton Link
26 December is also St Stephen’s Day
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Monday, December 24, 2018
Hawaii Photo of the Day 🛶
Peace Package
A L O H A !
“True silence is the
rest of the mind;
it is to the spirit
what sleep is to
the body, nourishment
and refreshment.”
William Penn
“No man is fit
to command another
that cannot
command himself.”
William Penn
“Let us try what love will do.”
William Penn
Thank YOU
Warmly, cloudia
“Avoid popularity
it has many snares
and no real benefit.”
William Penn
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Test Of Time
A L O H A !
“The best revenge is to be
unlike him who
performed the injury.”
Marcus Aurelius
“The soul becomes dyed with
the colour of its thoughts.”
Marcus Aurelius
“If someone is able to show me
that what I think or do is not right,
I will happily change, for I seek the truth.
It is the person who continues self-deception
and ignorance who is harmed.”
Marcus Aurelius
Lately I have been reading
words that stood
the test of time.
Some terms are archaic,
written in antique rhyme,
But truth calls to truth
regardless of the times.
It's good to refresh perspective,
leave passions of the moment behind.
So often we already own the gem
we're furious to find.
Thank YOU
Wisely, cloudia
“If it is not right do not do it;
if it is not true do not say it.”
“Very little is needed to make a happy life;
it is all within yourself in your way of thinking.”
“The object of life is not to be on
the side of the majority, but to
escape finding oneself in
the ranks of the insane.”
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
George Washington, first US President quoted Marcus Aurelius.
"President Bill Clinton said that Meditations is his favorite book,and United States Secretary of Defense James Mattis carried his own personal copy of The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius throughout his deployments as a Marine Corps officer in the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan and Iraq."
Wikipedia Link
bird photo,
good life,
life wisdom,
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