Wednesday, June 5, 2019


A  L  O  H  A !
"The meaning of life 
is just to be alive.

-It is so plain and so obvious
 and so simple.
And yet, everybody 
rushes around in a great panic
as if it were necessary 
to achieve something 
beyond themselves."
              Alan Wilson Watts


“Each time you see that indelible
be grateful for the perfect moment to be alive. 
And should you hear the geese calling, 
drink it in, knowing you have been touched 
with the indescribable magnificence 
of the Canada Geese.” 
             Barbara Klide

Linking To


Thank YOU
for Being A Friend!
                     Fondly, cloudia


claude said...

The red sky is wonderful.
Aloha Cloudia !

Elephant's Child said...

And being alive means living NOT existing. Life costs more, hurts more and is worth immeasurably more.

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful photos!

Tom said...

..."The meaning of life is just to be alive." I hope that it means more than this!

eileeninmd said...


I am happy to be alive. Lovely skies and images. Wishing you a happy day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

and all these views you showed us make it even better to be Alive... lovely

William Kendall said...

Your first shot is my favourite.

Teresa said...

Love the red sky in your first shot!

DeniseinVA said...

Marvelous, both quotes and scenes you share with us.

RedPat said...

A Vee of geese flew over me on the weekend and it is other-wordly!

Mike said...

Being alive is better than the alternative.

It's an old nubian shima race to the egg.

Al said...

That's an amazing sky in the first shot.

Adam said...

Cute baby geese

Linda said...

Spectacular sky! Geese are fun to watch.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Wise words and wonderful images 🌺

Cloudia said...

Thank you friends ♥️