Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Defiant Kindness

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Defiant kindness
doesn't ignore injustice, it
chooses compassion as its weapon.
It disrupts with love, challenges
with empathy, and fights
for change with grace.

The light at the
end of the tunnel is not
an illusion, the tunnel is.
Anna Quindlen

God put each person
here for a purpose. Ronald Reagan

The world needs your kindness,
even when it seems like
it doesn't deserve it.
Choose love, even
when it's hard.
Be the light, even
when it's dark.

True kindness isn't passive;
it's a fierce, unwavering
commitment to doing what's
right, even when it's hard.
Amanda Palmer


Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie


Andrew said...

High rise buildings on fire. We see the same sun reflections on building here.

Stewart M said...

That's a good rainbow! Got to love them.

Hope all is well, Stewart M - Oakhill, Somerset,UK.

roentare said...

Good to be kind to self and others

s.c said...

As always nice to see.

Anvilcloud said...

My wife has often said, 'Be kinder than you need to be.'

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful rainbow, lovely images.
I like all the kindness quotes!
Take care, have a great day!

Tom said...

...mahalo for the tune.

William Kendall said...

What a rainbow!

Barbara Rogers said...

What a lovely video. I've never seen an older man dancing with such beauty!

RedPat said...

Fabulous rainbow, Cloudia. ;-)

Sandi said...

disrupt with love

amen 🌸

Martha Jane Orlando said...

What a breathtaking rainbow! Blessings!

Teresa said...

I love the first quote about defiant kindness. It looks like Pixie is all worn out after a morning of being defiantly kind.

Catalyst said...

I trust that photo with the bright flares was caused by sun reflection. It looks frighteningly like that building is on fire!

Cloudia said...

Thanks friends!

Katerinas Blog said...

Very beautiful post, with dreamy photos of different landscapes. Interesting your blog. Thank you!

My GBGV Life said...

The light at the end of the tunnel quote is something to ponder. We hear it all the time but never thought of it that way. Great quotes as always.

CAAC said...

Spread love and kindness, not hate and cruelty to make the world a happier place for all people! Thanks for sharing the encouraging quotes and beautiful music, Cloudia!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I sure love that rainbow! Beautiful photos and words. Howdy sweet Pixie! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

DVArtist said...

A wonderful post. Kindness, it seems it disappears in a blink of an eye.

Lea said...

My favorite is the Ronald Reagan quote with its photo.
Hope you are having a wonderful week!

Michelle said...

Always wonderful quotes and photos. Have a great end of the week, Cloudia!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Great shot of the Rainbow ... it looks like you are up high almost even with the rainbow when you took this picture. I wish I could see the illusionary "light at the end of the tunnel". There are so many things that need fixing right now and I am not sure that kindness is the answer, as the sources of the pain don't know the meaning of kindness and are cold hearted and indifferent. But Pixie is anything but passive in her kind hearted ways. Another wonderful post, Claudia ... Thank you :)

Andrea @ From the Sol

peppylady (Dora) said...

At first I thought the sky skaper was on fire.

Gillena Cox said...

God put each one here for a purpose; i so agree

Have a good weekend


Fundy Blue said...

Pixie is so cute!

Michelle said...

I agree that we all have a purpose! Thank you Cloudia, for linking up.