Saturday, March 2, 2024

Eternity's Mirror

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Place your mind before
the mirror of eternity!
Place your soul in
the brilliance of glory!
And transform
your entire being...
Saint Clare of Assisi

A wizard must have passed this way
Since—was it only yesterday?
Then all was bare, and now, behold,
A hundred cups of living gold!
Emma C. Dowd,
"Daffodil and Crocus," 
 April 1902

Dear little beings
so fresh and new.
Soft fur, bright eyes,
a tiny mew
A duckling's waddle
or puppy bark,
Within them burns
a vibrant spark.
Their innocence
a sacred sight,
That stirs our hearts
with real delight.
In their trust
a faith so deep,
Speaks to the tenderness
we long to keep.
With gentle hands
we offer care,
Protection strong,
gentle and spare
For in these creatures
So small and bright,
Eternity imbues its light.
Our spirits grow
with every grace,
As love for them
makes sacred space.
In their sweet eyes
our souls unfurl,
Ascending to worlds
where kindness swirls.
In their gaze
a truth so bright,
Eternity's softly
guiding light.
How we answer
their silent plea,
Shapes the soul
we long to be.
For in their need
a mirror lies,
Of source compassion
that never dies.
We watch them
with a tender heart,
spontaneous love
that sets us apart.
For in their being
small and new
The boundless spirit
itself shines through.
By what we love,
how we protect,
Our own evolving
souls reflect.
Cloudia Charters


In all chaos,
there is a cosmos,
in all disorder,
a secret order. Carl Jung

I understand so clearly
that love itself is our birthright.
We may have become
distant from it, but
it's not something we're born
without. Therefore it's always
there for us to return to.
Cleo Wade

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia


Saturday Critters

Jaipur Garden Affair


California Poppy

The California golden poppy (Eschscholzia californica) is California's official state flower. It's a flowering plant that's native to Western North America, including Mexico. The California golden poppy has bright orange flowers with blue-green leaves that can reach 2 inches long and 3 inches wide. The flower blooms from spring to early summer, and can often be found along roadsides, fields, and valleys. 

All flowers today were shot on our sojourn
in Marin California a few years back.


magiceye said...

The 1st photo is a stunner!
Your poetry is beautiful.

rupam sarma said...

Awesome clicks, Loved the post

eileeninmd said...

Love sky moon photo!
The ducklings are adorable!
Beautiful flowers, I would love to see a field of poppies.
Cute closeup of Pixie.
Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

Aritha V. said...

Oh, I find those little ducklings so cute. I haven't seen them here yet. The cat is also adorable. I came here through Eileen's link-up.

DeniseinVA said...

Incredible moon! Flowers are gorgeous, ducklings and Pixie are smile bringers, and your words/poem are so fine. A great start to my day. Thank you Cloudia, hope yours is a great one!

Tom said...

...what a moon shot!

Mae Travels said...

Beautiful images today,

Barbara Rogers said...

All images speak of beauty, but your poem for the new lives of springtime captures the experience of joy in our interaction with the tiny fragile ones. Thanks.

RedPat said...

Fabulous moon shot and I love that poem by Dowd about the wizard passing by. Your poems are always a delight, Cloudia. ;-)

s.c said...

Eternity for ever.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a beautiful poem you've written my friend. It really inspires and lifts us up. I love the words about returning to love. It's hard when we lose our love for someone. Our human nature makes it hard to return. Hugs, Diane

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Your poem is lovely, Cloudia, and truly spoke to my heart today. Your photos also sing!

Teresa said...

Pixie definitely has a look of love on her face. Is it for her adoring fans or those cute little ducklings? Great post!

21 Wits said...

Aloha Cloudia thank you so much for your lovely poem, so far, I've read it twice as it flows beauty that warms our hearts. Hugs to you and Pixie too!

DVArtist said...

Wow! I love that first photo. Have a lovely day today.

Mike said...

I've yet to find the secret to order.

roentare said...

Carl Jung is such an incredible person. I am reading into his work.

Cloudia said...

Thanks friends. Aloha

William Kendall said...

Cute little duckies!