Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Road to Heliconia

A L O H A From Honolulu!

It was good to be a little island
a part of the world
and a world of its own
all surrounded by
the bright blue sea.
Golden MacDonald
[Margaret Wise Brown]


Don't wait to be successful
at some future point.
Have a successful relationship
with the present moment and be
fully present in whatever you are doing.
That is success.
    Eckhart Tolle

Sing with your voices,
your hearts, your
lips and your lives.
Augustine Of Hippo

I Will always carry myself
with understated dignity.
But what others think of me
is really none of my business. 
They don't know me.

Even when you spend your day
 on the edge of darkness 
the light always finds
its way to you.
           Karen Sather

The whole world is a
series of miracles, but
we're so used to them
we call them ordinary things. Hans Christian Andersen

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia



Elephant's Child said...

That is a very wise quote of yours dear friend.

Cloudia said...

Thank you 🙏🏽

Samyuktha Semi Jayaprakash said...

Loved your quote the most!

Mike said...

The little island would be a good place to be by yourself.

roentare said...

This round of quotes makes me calm and introspect

Andrew said...

I like to think I carry myself with dignity, but it is for others to judge.

Anvilcloud said...

There is something to be said for understated dignity and not fussing about what others might think.

Tom said...

...I love heliconia!

Jenn Jilks said...

You are so right. I spend so much time worrying about others' perceptions. I'm too old to do that!

William Kendall said...

The moon has a Cheshire Cat smile. Or a Pixie smile.

Happy birthday!

John A Hill said...

The pale orange hibiscus is beautiful.

RedPat said...

Love your words today, Cloudia. ;-)

s.c said...

Light and dark alternate but they cannot exist without each other .

LoveT. said...

Wonderful. I love the last Quote <3

Cloudia said...

Thanks. Sincerely each of you. Your comments are flowers in our garden. Aloha!

Christine said...

Lovely photos, that heliconia is nature's wonder, the pattern.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Such a great photo of Pixie, and the caption fits!

Gillena Cox said...

The Eckhart Tolle is my favourite today


Kathy G said...

Wonderful, inspirational thoughts and images. Thank you.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

That moon photo is outstanding!

Cloudia said...

Thanks dear friends Aloha

magiceye said...

Marvelous photos and quotes!

peppylady (Dora) said...

There always light.

Photo Cache said...

I really like the quote about the miracles. I believe it.

Worth a Thousand Words

rupam sarma said...

Beautiful quotes, Amazing clicks.

Jim said...


Spare Parts and Pics said...

Hi Pixie! Love that moon photo!

Michelle said...

Your quote rings so true. Thanks for linking up and I like see Pixie getting head scratches :)