Saturday, June 1, 2024

And That Is That

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Listen to the solace
soft and deep
Invest in joy where
your essence sleeps...

...Pursue the things
that ignite your soul,
The emerging passions
that make you whole.

Dance with the raindrops,
sing beneath the sky
Find healing in the meadow
And in your children: pride.
Cloudia Charters

Protaetia orientalis Link
The true secret of happiness
lies in taking a genuine interest
in all the details of daily life.
  Willam Morris

Beehive Ginger
If you take a flower in your
hand and really look at it,
it's your world for a moment. 
Georgia O'Keeffe

I can almost hear
a purring rhyme, "In this whole house,
I'm top of the line!"
Tiny paws do a happy pat,
"I'm the prettiest cat
And that is that!"

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia



Saturday Critters

Jaipur Garden Affair

The mood and temper of the public
in regard to the treatment of
crime and criminals is
one of the most unfailing tests
of the civilization
of any country...and are sign and
proof of the living virtue in it.
               Winston Churchill

The chief duty of
society is justice.
 Alexander Hamilton


Katerinas Blog said...

Happy month Claudia!
I really liked the photo of the kids playing under the palm trees (heaven)!!

Mike said...

I like the tree. You may see it again.

Teresa said...

Great post. I love Pixie enjoying her beauty in the mirror and the beehive ginger and the poems and the monopoly game card. Can Pixie play Monopoly with you?

magiceye said...

Amazing nature!

rupam sarma said...

Loved the post, Amazing clicks. Loved Pixie's pic :)
Happy Weekend :)

Iris Flavia said...

Love ALL your quotes and yes. Orange was in our news on TV. A shame he did not get that card but roams free still. And what nonsense he said again (no surprise). So... better back to your pics and quotes, Aloha to June!

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you both. Muchly.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Cloudia,
Lovely words and photos. Some of my favorite things, a pretty sky and a beautiful tree, gorgeous flower and your sweet Pixie. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

Tom said...

...the beauty is in the details.

s.c said...

I lapse into repetition but it is still nice to see all your photos and quotes cited. Pixie, too, gets to be there every time.

Barbara Rogers said...

Thanks for the music by Izzy. And just look at that flower! Great quote to go with it. Pixie and her reflection are definitely winners.

RedPat said...

So many wonderful aspects to this post, Cloudia. Love the beehive ginger. ;-)

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Winston Churchill was absolutely correct about preserving our civilization. May we heed them in these tumultuous days we face, and pray that our loving God will hear our prayers.
Gorgeous photos and wise words as always from Pixie and you!

DeniseinVA said...

Thank you for another day of peace and calm. Happy June my friend, to Pixie too :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I do get a lot of joy in my every day life and when I took a hike this morning, it was perfect!

LoveT. said...

A wonderful post.

Good start to June

Cloudia said...

Thank you gracious friends 🙏🏽❤️

Mae Travels said...

I love Ike’s singing. That’s a beautiful video of his, though my favorite is “Over the Rainbow” combined with “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

best, mae

Little Wandering Wren said...

Aloha to you and the cute cat, too! I've always loved William Morris and his quote is spot on!
Have a great day!
Wren x

Cloudia said...

Thanks jolly Friends

William Kendall said...

Go directly to jail is fitting.