Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Awake Embrace

A L O H A From Honolulu!

May you enjoy today
as if you had been released
unexpectedly from jail!

Living mindfully is the art
of living awake and ready to
embrace the gift of
the present moment.
Macrina Wiederkehr

 The longer I live the 
more beautiful 
life becomes.
      Frank Lloyd Wright

Be like the fruit tree - be generous with your best. Jonathan Lockwood Huie 


Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie


Delonix regia, known as:
Royal poinciana,
Flamboyant, Phoenix flower,
Flame of the forest, Flame tree. 


Elephant's Child said...

Love the fruit tree simile.

Teresa said...

I love Pixie giving us her best! The moon over Diamond Head is pretty cool, too.

Andrew said...

Someone has a nice view of water and passing canoes.

Cloudia said...

Thank you three very much

eileeninmd said...

Great Pixie image and I love the flower.
Take care, have a great day!

Tom said...

...I love Sister Robi, mahalo.

Barbara Rogers said...

Have a great day, and thanks for the inspiration. A super soft pat to Pixie!

RedPat said...

An uplifting post, Cloudia. Thanks. ;-)

Kathy G said...

The first quote speaks to me.

Bill said...

The quotes and photos today give me inspiration. Thanks, Cloudia.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

May we all live joyously in the present moment. Blessings, Cloudia!

Cloudia said...

Thanks Friends!

Michelle said...

I like that first quote!

Cloudia said...

That just popped in my head and I loved it so I thought I would share it with you all. Glad it landed

magiceye said...

Beautiful captures and lovely captions! 🙏 Aloha!

J.P. Alexander said...

Lindas fotos . Me gusto el gato. Te mando un beso.

Kay said...

Your posts always fill me with calm and peace when I need it.

Cloudia said...

Thanks so much Kay

William Kendall said...

Pixie looks relaxed.