Thursday, June 20, 2024

Love Takes Flight

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Love takes flight,
From single source it gleams.
Nourishing each life
Fueling all our dreams...

Adenium obesum, Desert Rose

...We the vessels
each a fragile cup,
Let kindness overflow
to fill life up!

Bearing love
the boundless tide.
To share the gift
on every side....

...Keep hearts open
channels clear and bright,
To share, receive, and bathe
In love the source of light.

Light shows the way, but
warmth illuminates the soul.
Effie Adelle Keats

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie


Elephant's Child said...

Thank you both.

roentare said...

Warmth illuminates the soul - that is beautiful

s.c said...

The things you don't see warms the most or cool the hardest.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful rainbow and moon capture!
The flower is lovely.
What a cute doggie and Pixie is always adorable.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Tom said...

...perhaps, but I like both feet on the ground.

Jenn Jilks said...

You always find the best photos for your poetry!

Barbara Rogers said...

And Love is underlying all efforts toward peace...may it happen. I shared some of my last kitty photos today, so Pixie has some digital friends.

RedPat said...

Full of love today, Cloudia. ;-)

Sharon said...

Desert roses are my favorite flowers I love those and I love that cute English bulldog. They are such sweeties.

Bill said...

Light shows the way, but warmth illuminates the soul.
I love this quote. Thank you, Cloudia.

Anvilcloud said...

Even grumpy-looking dogs can keep their hearts open. :)

Teresa said...

Great post! I love all the pictures and the poem. Thanks for spreading love and light!

Cloudia said...

I want to thank each of you for your wonderful visits and comments that warm my heart. Appreciate each of you very much. Pixie is looking up and obviously agrees Aloha!

Christine said...

Lovely post!

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Pixie does look quite agreeable in her photo, for sure, Cloudia. Blessings, and thanks for sharing the warmth of your heart with us!

William Kendall said...

What a doggie.

Fundy Blue said...

The dog made me smile! But so do Pixie, your beautiful photos and words. Happy weekend!

Michelle said...

What a sweet dog face and of course, Pixie :) Thank you for linking up.