Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Meet the Nemophilist

A L O H A From Honolulu!

In the twilight's rosy glow, Fluffy shapes begin to show.
See the bunnies!
Soft and sweet,
Sky bunnies!
Such a magical treat.

Ears of peach, fur of rose, They frolic high as daylight goes.
They nibble stars, sparkly treats Then tumble west on fluffy feets.
Cloudia Charters

If you wish to know the divine,
feel the wind on your face
and the warm sun on your hand.

It seems to me that
what we call beauty in a
face lies in the smile.
Leo Tolstoy

Nemophilist, Noun.
One who is fond of forests 
or forest scenery; a haunter
of the woods.

My worth is tied not
to my productivity but to
my existence. I am
worthy of rest.
   Glennon Doyle

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

A Single Rose

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Start your day in an
upward direction, and the
rest of the day will
follow the uphill path.
 Vernon Howard.

A single rose can be my garden;
a single friend, my world.
  Leo Buscaglia

Warmth of connection
Bathed in gentle light Expose every lie and Open my sight. Grant me spaces In which to create Rooted in purpose Content with my fate. Cloudia Charters 

There is no outward sign
of true courtesy that does
not rest on a
deep moral foundation.
   Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The greatest deception we suffer
is from our own opinions. Leonardo da Vinci 

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia


Monday, July 1, 2024

In The Ordinary

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Night is purer than day;
it is better for thinking,
loving and dreaming.
At night everything is
more intense, more true.
The echo of words that have
been spoken during the day
takes on a new and
deeper meaning.
   Elie Wiesel

Kokiʻo Keʻokeʻo,
Hibiscus arnottianus
Native to Moloka'i & O'ahu.

A wise one
changes their mind,
a fool never will.
Spanish Proverb

Lagerstroemia indica, crepe myrtle

Happiness is 
a place between 
too little and too much. 

Holiness comes wrapped
in the ordinary. There are
burning bushes all around you.
Every tree is full of angels.
Hidden beauty is waiting
in every crumb.
Macrina Wiederkehr

I don't regret the things
I haven't gotten, but
I do regret the things
I haven't given.
John Sarris

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Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

